Check In for Fieldwork

Some parks require researchers to log their arrival and departure by using the RPRS Fieldwork Check In and Check Out Service. If a park uses this function, you will be asked to check in shortly before the start of your field work. The function will appear on your Investigator Dashboard and will list the park name and permit number.

How to Do This

On your Investigator Dashboard, go to the Frequent Tasks section and click on the “Manage Researcher Checkins and Checkouts” link. You will be prompted to select the park from a dropdown menu, then to select the permit from a second dropdown menu.
Image of user interface showing permit number and a table of check in reports associated with the permit. An Add Check In button is above the table.
User view of check-in reports associated with a permit.
After you select the permit, you will see a table of check-in reports. Verify the permit number at the top of the page and click the “Add Check In” button.
User screen for providing information during the check in process. There are text fields, drop-down menus, and check boxes. There is a submit button at the bottom.
Fieldwork check in form.
Now you will be on the Check In page, which lets you input information park staff need to protect resources and increase your safety while you conduct research. Some fields are pre-filled. You may update all except the permit number. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

The “Field Contact Name” should be the primary contact on site. The preferred option in the Phone Type drop-down is Cell Phone. Residence, Number in Party, and Vehicle Description can be essential for finding or contacting you in an emergency.

To indicate where you will be, use the Research Location dropdown box, which is populated with locations listed on your permit. Select a relevant one, click the Add Location button, and it will appear in the box. Use the Remove button in the box if you need to remove a location. If you have additional detail to provide or if your expected locations of field work have changed, please contact the park research coordinator.

Use the checkboxes to indicate relevant activities and permissions. When done, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Do you have questions about the software? The RPRS HelpDesk is available. e-mail us

Last updated: March 7, 2025


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