A permit is an agreement, like a contract, between the park and the Principal Investigator. It must be signed. Accordingly:
Apart from your communications with the research coordinator, you can see in RPRS if there are permits ready for signatures. On your Investigator Dashboard, open the panel called “Finalized Permits: Validate by Completing Signature Process.”
Please note that RPRS does not store signed permits. The only signed versions are the files in your and the park’s possession.
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- The permit is not valid until both the PI and the park official have signed it.
- The PI is responsible for ensuring that all individuals named on the permit abide by its terms and conditions.
- Every team member must carry a printed signed copy while they are conducting their study in the park.
- The park’s law enforcement rangers may ask to see your permit if they encounter you in the park. The signed document tells them what activities are authorized.
How to Do This
Signing does not happen within RPRS, so follow the research coordinator’s directions. Most likely, they will email a pdf to you. You may sign it digitally if your pdf software has that capability. Otherwise, you may print, sign in ink, scan and email the signed version to the research coordinator. Signatures can also happen in person at the park.Apart from your communications with the research coordinator, you can see in RPRS if there are permits ready for signatures. On your Investigator Dashboard, open the panel called “Finalized Permits: Validate by Completing Signature Process.”
Please note that RPRS does not store signed permits. The only signed versions are the files in your and the park’s possession.
Do you have questions about the software? The RPRS HelpDesk is available. e-mail us
Last updated: October 1, 2024