Apply to Multiple Parks

If you want to conduct the same study in multiple parks, you must submit separate applications to each one. This process is greatly simplified by using your first application as a template. Information in it will carry over to a new application which you submit to the second park.

Each park’s research coordinator will see only the application sent to that park. It is a good idea to mention in your application that yours is a multi-park study and list the names of the parks. Doing so will help the research coordinators be aware of the broader scope of your project. In any case, if one park approves your application and issues a permit, there is no guarantee that the other parks will do likewise.

How to Do This

To begin, apply to the first park. Then go to your Investigator Dashboard and the “All of My Work” section. Expand the Applications Panel by clicking the double down arrow on the right, find the application you submitted, and open it by clicking on the title.
Screenshot of an application profile. Use as template is highlighted.
User's view of an application profile.
Once you open the application, click the “Use as Template” link in the top right corner as shown in the image. Doing so will create a new application form, and you will be asked if you want to edit it. Choose “Yes.”

You have now created a new draft application that contains all the information from the one you submitted to the first park. Use Tab 2 to select the second park. Edit any parts of the application as you wish and submit it when you are done.

Repeat this procedure as many times as necessary to submit applications to all the parks in your study.

Do you have questions about the software? The RPRS HelpDesk is available. e-mail us

Last updated: March 7, 2025


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