Keweenaw's Copper Story

The stories of people and copper in the Keweenaw Peninsula have been intertwined for more than 7,000 years. Indigenous peoples made copper into tools and trade items. Investors and immigrants arrived in the 1800s in a great mineral rush, developing thriving industries and cosmopolitan communities. Though the mines have since closed, their mark is still visible on the land and people.

Two park rangers standing behind a desk talking to a park visitor.
Calumet Visitor Center - Spring Hours

The visitor center is open on Thursdays & Fridays 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm from February 27 through May 23. Click here for summer hours details.

A brick lighthouse along a rocky shoreline covered in ice and snow.
Keweenaw Heritage Sites

Explore the Keweenaw's rich copper mining and cultural heritage through our Heritage Sites.

A blanket of white snow covers the ground surrounding a park sign with trees in the background.
Plan Your Visit

Discover the many ways to experience Copper Country.

A busy main street lined with buildings while heavy snow falls.
Weather Conditions & Alerts

Weather can be unpredictable in the winter months. Check here for weather forecasts to plan for your trip.

A walkway with a railing on the right leads towards a door to a brick building.

Learn about accessible park facilities.

A man and a woman smiling as they review historical documents.
Get Involved

Find opportunities to get involved with Keweenaw NHP or any of the Keweenaw Heritage Sites.

Historical map of Red Jacket
Digital Historical Resources

Free-to-access websites that contain a variety of primary and secondary historical sources.

Historic photograph of the KEWE History Center
History & Culture

Discover the history of people and places of the Keweenaw.

A person with gloves on opens an old book.

Explore the past through museum and archival collections.

Two park staff members
Researcher Information

Learn about how to do research at our park!

A ranger talks with kids and parents at the Calumet Visitor Center.
For Kids!

Learn about Keweenaw National Historical Park!

A piece of green float copper rests at the rocky bottom of a shallow stream.
Copper Connections

Learn about the connections between the Keweenaw and Isle Royale.

A school group visits the Calumet Visitor Center.

Educational resources for K-12 students and teachers!

Copper TRACES Online logo
Copper TRACES Online

Digital learning resources for 4th grade educators.

An image of a magnifying glass sitting on top of a historic map

Learn more about how the park and the Keweenaw NHP Advisory Commission work together to further the efforts of historic preservation.

Last updated: February 24, 2025

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Mailing Address:

25970 Red Jacket Road
Calumet, MI 49913


906 337-3168

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