The Fort Moultrie Dock, Picnic Area, and Bench by the Road memorial are inaccessible from now until spring of 2026 due to a dock replacement project. An alternate picnic area along the sidewalk toward the General Moultrie Grave has been established.
For nine days in April 2011, the National Park Service along with its partners and the public commemorated the first shots of the American Civil War. This 21 minute video allows viewers to get a brief look at what those nine days entailed and the importance of commemorating events such as these. Although the commemoration is over, the National Park Service at Fort Sumter continues to help visitors interpret and understand the events of that day and what those events mean to us 150 years later. As National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis said in July 2011, "I can promise you that we will be here everyday of every year watching over this place, to keep it and protect it; to pass it's story on to future generations of Americans."