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US Army commander of Fort Sumter at the outbreak of the American Civil War
Career US Army officer and Civil War general. Second in command under Anderson at Fort Sumter.
Civil War general and painter. Third in command under Anderson at Fort Sumter.
Civil engineer and Union general in Civil War
Rear Admiral in the US Navy
Union war hero and Congressman
Rear Admiral in the US Navy. Relieved Du Pont of command of South Atlantic Blockading Squadron in 1863.
US Army surgeon and Union general during the Civil War
Part of the US Army garrison at Fort Sumter in 1861. Commander of Union forces in Charleston Harbor from May 1864 until February 6, 1865.
US Army brigadier general. Wounded in the July 18, 1863 assault on Battery Wagner.
Last updated: September 6, 2020
1214 Middle Street Sullivan's Island, SC 29482
(843) 883-3123