Alerts & Conditions


Air Quality and Entrance Station Conditions


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collage of three photos; skunk - small black animal with white stripes and a long tail, coyote - medium size dog with tan fur, coati - small animal with brown and white fur, the coloring on its face looks like an eye mask
Skunk, coyote, and a coati.


Rabies Warning

Rabies has been detected in Southeast Arizona. Do not Approach, Feed, or Touch wild animals.

Rabid animals may appearing sick, have difficulty moving, be aggressive, drool, bite, and be active during abnormal hours.

Report unusual animal observations or injuries to applicable Park or Forest Rangers or Cochise County Sheriff's Animal Control 520-432-8502.

If bitten, wash with soap and water for at least 5 minutes and seek immediate medical attention. Rabies is fatal without medical treatment.

A dramatic storm forms outside of the park
A dramatic monsoon season storm develops in the valley to the west of the park.

Monsoon Season: June 15 - September 30

Chiricahua National Monument can have severe thunderstorms, flash flooding, and lightning during the summer.

Remember: Turn around, don't drown! Often flash flooding can cause brief flooding of Hwy 186 between Willcox and the park. Heavy, sudden rains may require travellers to wait for water levels to drop.

Hwy 181 south of the park may have flooded washes for days or months depending on the season's cumulative rain.

If you are outside during a lightning storm, find shelter, stay low, and away from tall trees.

Last updated: February 6, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

12856 E Rhyolite Creek Rd
Willcox, AZ 85643


520 824-3560
The visitor center phone is staffed from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily. If we don't answer we may be helping others. Please leave a message with your phone number. We do not have caller ID. If calling while driving nearby, please pull over as cell reception will likely cut out.

Contact Us