Evidence of illegal digging at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. Law enforcement rangers investigated and issued a violation notice to the individual responsible for digging the large holes.
Permits to dig or probe for treasure or solve riddles are not issued at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, Wright Brothers National Memorial or Cape Hatteras National Seashore.
The National Park Service is the proud steward of over 400 national parks and monuments across the United States. The sites were identified as special places to be enjoyed by the public in a way that will leave them "unimpaired." Disturbing (such as by digging) any area from its natural state is expressly prohibited by federal regulation. While archaeological digs conducted by archeologists occur - to further the state of scientific understanding of the park's history - they are only authorized under the guidelines of an Archaeological Resources Protection Act permit and a park Special Use Permit.
To report suspicious activity, call 252-473-2111. Illegal digging or probing is not tolerated and will be investigated by law enforcement rangers.
Last updated: July 15, 2021
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Fort Raleigh National Historic Site
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