Your pets are welcome at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site!Explore the maritime forest via the park's hiking trails, enjoy breathtaking views of the Roanoke and Croatan Sounds, and discover the mystery of The Lost Colony -- there's always something to do with your furry friend! Learn the B.A.R.K. principles so you and your pet can have a safe and fun visit whenever you come. B.A.R.K. Principles:1. BAG YOUR PET'S WASTE
Become a B.A.R.K. Ranger!Do you want your pet to become an official B.A.R.K. Ranger? Here's what you need to do:1. Pick up a B.A.R.K. Ranger booklet at the Fort Raleigh NHS Visitor Center. 2. Learn the four B.A.R.K. principles. 3. Enjoy a walk, hike, or program with your pet. 4. Return to the Visitor Center to get your official B.A.R.K. Ranger certificate signed and receive a special stamp! Safety Reminders:-- Do you have enough water for yourself and your pet?-- Does your pet have the endurance for the heat? -- Summer temperatures can make the park's pavement and dry sand EXTREMELY HOT. Pets have sensitive paw pads that can easily be burned by these surfaces. REMEMBER: If it's too hot for your bare feet, it's too hot for theirs! Things to do with Your Pet:-- Walk the 0.3.-mile Thomas Hariot loop trail through the island's maritime forest to the sandy shores of Albemarle Sound. Enjoy interpretive signs along the way describing the forest habitat, the Algonquian methods for gathering food, and resources the English found valuable on Roanoke Island.-- Join a Ranger-led program! Programs are offered spring through October, with expanded offerings from Memorial Day through Labor Day. In the winter, programs are offered as staff are available. All programs are suitable for all ages and are free of charge. -- Explore the maritime forest along the park's 1.25-mile Freedom Trail that ends with views of the Croatan Sound on the western edge of the park. The trail ends near the location where the Freedmen's Colony and Civil War forts once stood. Return by the trail or use the bike path along Hwy. 64 for a loop back to the Visitor Center of 2.5 miles. Go on a grand adventure and become a B.A.R.K. Ranger at other
Last updated: January 26, 2024