
orange moth on leaf
Essex Skipper

NPS Photo / Perkins

Invertebrates, organisms without backbones, such as insects, play crucial ecological roles, performing essential tasks like consumption, pollination, and decomposition. Although many of these species may be unfamiliar to us, invertebrates make up the majority of the species in the animal kingdom. The diverse habitats and seasonal climates at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller provide a home to an incredible number of invertebrate species, both known and unknown.
green moth
Luna moth

NPS photo


Black Flies
Black flies are a common nuisance in the Northeast during spring, often referred to as the season of the itch. These insects breed in streams or any areas with moving water. They are sensitive to water pollution, so healthy populations of black flies can indicate good water quality. Only female black flies bite, and their saliva contains allergens that cause flare-ups and itchiness. Although the initial itchiness may subside, it can return days or even weeks later, making the black fly bite particularly infamous in the Northeast.

Luna Moths
The Luna moth is an eye-catching creature, relatively large with a wingspan of about four inches. They have pale green wings with hindwings featuring a long curved tail. The edges of their wings are adorned with purplish accents and prominent eyespots. Luna moth caterpillars feed on the leaves of walnut and paper birch trees. After emerging from their cocoon, Luna moths lack a mouth and digestive system, meaning they do not eat. Additionally, they have a short lifespan, living for only about one week.

dragonfly in shrubbery
Autumn meadowhawk

NPS Photo


Dragonflies and Damselflies
Dragonflies and damselflies are easily recognizable due to their large size, four horizontal wings, and unique flight patterns. Dragonflies are typically larger and bulkier, spreading their wings out when at rest, while damselflies are more slender and fold their wings together. Both start as aquatic insects during their larval stage, crawling out of the water and cracking open their exoskeleton to reveal their body and wings. They are expert fliers, capable of hovering like a helicopter. Both larval and adult dragonflies are carnivores that feed on mosquitoes, helping to control their population. You can often see them flying rapidly over water bodies or gardens. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller participates in the Dragonfly Mercury Project to understand the potential impact of mercury in our ecosystems.

Pollinators play a critical role in the movement of pollen, assisting in the fertilization of plants. This category includes various animals like hummingbirds and bats, as well as non-living forces such as wind, though the majority of pollinators you will encounter are insects. When pollinators stop to feed on nectar, pollen sticks to their bodies and is transported from one plant to another. Common insect pollinators at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller include:

  • Butterflies: Notable species include the Monarch and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, which are common throughout the area.

  • Bees: Efficient pollinators, Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller is home to various native bees, from giant bumblebees to tiny jewel-like sweat bees. European honeybees, introduced for agricultural purposes, are also present.

  • Beetles: These insects are responsible for pollinating some larger flowers, including pond lilies.

black, orange, and white furry caterpillar
Milkweed Tiger Moth, Blue Ridge Parkway

NPS Photo


Ticks are widespread in Vermont and can be found throughout most seasons, thriving in wooded and open grassy areas. In the same family as spiders, there are hundreds of tick species, but the most common in this area is the deer tick. They are reddish in color with a black shield, have eight legs, and are about the size of a sesame seed. As parasites, ticks infect their hosts, particularly humans, with microorganisms they carry, including Lyme disease, a serious bacterial infection. There are several ways to prevent tick bites. Learn more about protecting yourself from ticks on our safety page.

Caterpillars are on the move in the fall and can often be spotted throughout the park. These intriguing larvae can be just as captivating as the fall foliage, appearing in a variety of colors and fuzzy textures. Some common caterpillars, which are larvae of moths, include:

  • Woolly Caterpillar/Tiger Moth: Recognizable by its fluffy reddish-brown and black bands. It is said that the size of the reddish-brown band can predict the intensity of the coming winter—if it is larger than the black band, a milder winter is expected.

  • Spotted Yellow Tussock Caterpillar/Yellow Spotted Tiger Moth: These hairy caterpillars, adorned in striking black and orange warning colors, feed on the milky sap of milkweed, which contains cardio glycosides that deter predators like birds.

  • Milkweed Tussock Caterpillar/Milkweed Tiger Moth: Densely hairy with a deep yellow color, this caterpillar features four brown bands and white lashes, making it another captivating sight in the fall landscape.



As temperatures drop, invertebrate activity also decreases; however, some hardy individuals remain active. The most numerous during this season are winter moths, which emerge from their cocoons in late October and November for a brief mating period lasting about a week. These moths lack mouthparts, and females are too large to fly, relying instead on their short-lived presence to mate and perpetuate their species.

Last updated: October 25, 2024

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