The Fight for Civil Rights That Changed the World

Women’s Rights National Historical Park tells the story of the first Women’s Rights Convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19-20, 1848. It is a story of struggles for civil rights, human rights, and equality, global struggles that continue today. The efforts of women’s rights leaders, abolitionists, and other 19th century reformers remind us that all people must be accepted as equals.

Declaration of Sentiments
Declaration of Sentiments

Explore the revolutionary words of the Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the first Women's Rights Convention, July 19-20, 1848.

A crowd sitting in rows of wooden pews in the Wesleyan Chapel, watching a living history performance
Convention Days 2024

Join us for our annual Convention Days this summer!

A wide-angle view of the Wesleyan Chapel interior, looking from the podium out toward rows of pews.
Virtual Tours

Learn about the buildings and spaces within the park using our 360-degree interactive virtual tours.

A living historian dressed as Elizabeth Cady Stanton sits and speaks to visitors.

Information on special events and happenings at the park

A wide angle view of the M'Clintock parlor, furnished with period furniture.
History and Culture

Learn about the people and places that make up our past.

A large group of students pose on the Stanton House porch
Education Programs

See what the park has to offer for students, both in person and from afar.

Last updated: April 10, 2024

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Mailing Address:

136 Fall Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148


315 568-0024

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