Press Kit

A white house with a sign in front in the shape of the NPS arrowhead logo.

About the Park

Seneca Falls, New York, is best known for its associations with the beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States. Seneca Falls was the location of the First Women’s Rights Convention, held July 19-20, 1848. More than 300 women and men attended the convention, which marked the beginning of the American women's rights movement. The Declaration of Sentiments, adopted during the convention and signed by 100 attendees, provided the agenda for subsequent women's rights activity.

The park consists of several buildings in Seneca Falls and nearby Waterloo, New York, including:

  • The Hunt House in Waterloo where the convention was proposed and planned
  • The M'Clintock House in Waterloo where the Declaration of Sentiments was written
  • The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in Seneca Falls where the convention was held
  • The home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton in Seneca Falls

In addition to the historic structures, the National Park Service maintains a visitor center and museum space in downtown Seneca Falls, as well as an open-air public space known as Declaration Park, where the words of the Declaration of Sentiments are inscribed on a water wall.



Our Mission

Women's Rights National Historical Park was established by the United States Congress on December 28, 1980, under Public Law 96-607, Title XVI. The park's mission was outlined as follows:

To preserve and interpret for the education, inspiration and benefit of present and future generations, the nationally significant historical and cultural sites, structures, and events associated with the struggle for equal rights for women, and to cooperate with national, state, and local entities to preserve the character and historic setting of such sites, structures and events.

Quick Facts

  • Total Park Area: approximately 7 acres (non-contiguous)
  • Visitation: See the yearly NPS visitation statistics for Women's Rights NHP. 2022 visitation was 34,294.
  • Facilities: Visitor Center and Wesleyan Chapel are open year-round; the Stanton and M'Clintock Houses are open seasonally (see calendar), the Hunt House is closed to the public.
  • Management: Women's Rights NHP operates under the regulations outlined in the Superintendent's Compendium. Refer to this document for more information about park management and activities allowed within the park.


For high resolution photographs of the park, see the photo albums on this page. For more specific photo requests, please contact us. Photographs used from this web page must be credited to NPS, unless otherwise indicated.



Other Resources

Last updated: April 10, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

136 Fall Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148


315 568-0024

Contact Us