3Rs Of A Different Time

Reconstruction, racism, and rights. Rebuilding a country after a brutal Civil War is difficult enough. But continued racism challenged the rights of many for over a century. The National Park Service preserves the places that gave African Americans hope and pride during this time. Explore the stories of perseverance and inspiration for those seeking a better future.

Reconstruction Era National Historic Network title with a multi-colored logo
The Reconstruction Era Network

The Reconstruction Era National Historic Network is a collection sites throughout the nation with a documented connection to Reconstruction.

Park ranger with a group of students in front of brick building
Reconstruction Era NHP

Visit Reconstruction Era National Historical Park in Beaufort County, SC

A star with a face blowing a smaller star, "National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom."
Network to Freedom

Find out about the Underground Railroad and the sites in the Network to Freedom.

African American Civil War soldiers standing in line
The Civil War

Reconstruction emerged in the aftermath of the Civil War, and the National Park Service preserves many sites associated with the conflict.

Sculpture of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civil Rights

Learn about the struggle for Civil Rights after the Reconstruction Era

Last updated: January 22, 2024

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