National Historic Landmarks Program - Intermountain Regional Office
The Heritage Partnerships Program of the NPS Intermountain Region administers the National Historic Landmarks Program in the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. These eight states encompass approximately 250 Landmarks, all of which reflect the diverse history of the West. These include the Hoover Dam; United States Air Force Academy, Cadet Area; Georgia O&#’;Keeffetional Historic Landmarks Program - Intermountain Regional Office
The Heritage Partnerships Program of the NPS Intermountain Region administers the National Historic Landmarks Program in the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. These eight states encompass approximately 250 Landmarks, all of which reflect the diverse history of the West. These include the Hoover Dam; United States Air Force Academy, Cadet Area; Georgia O’Keeffe, Butte-Anaconda Historic District; Folsom Site; Mountain Meadows Massacre Site; Cherokee National Capitol; Apollo Mission Control Center; and the Heart Mountain Relocation Center.
The Heritage Partnerships Program helps citizens, agencies, organizations, and communities identify, document, interpret, protect, and preserve National Historic Landmarks within the Intermountain Region. This includes assistance in the preparation of Landmark nominations, historical documentation, historical and archeological surveys, treatment plans for stabilization and repair, and planning and education.
Contact Information
Please contact this office about properties in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Mailing Address:
National Park Service Heritage Partnerships Program
1 Denver Federal Center, Building 50
Denver, CO 80225
Phone: (720) 930-2865
e-mail us
Last updated: August 30, 2024