David Calease/NPS
The National Park System Advisory Board (NPSAB) met May 1-2, 2024, and considered five new nominations for National Historic Landmark designation, nine updated nominations, and two withdrawals of designation. The NPSAB recommended that the Secretary of the Interior proceed with these proposed NHL actions.
On December 16, 2024, the Secretary of the Interior announced the designation of these five new NHLs and approval of the nine updated nominations and two withdrawals of designation. Visit Recent NHL Designations to explore a StoryMap of the new and updated NHLs.
Final versions of the nominations will be posted on our NHLs by State page and in the National Historic Landmark Nominations published series in the DataStore in IRMA, an NPS web portal for documents and studies.
National Park System Advisory Board May 2024 Meeting
The Board recommended approval of the following new nominations:
Big Bone Lick Site, Union, KY
Executive Summary
Charleston Cigar Factory, Charleston, SC
Executive Summary
The Furies Collective, Washington, DC
Executive Summary
Kregel Windmill Company Factory, Nebraska City, NE
Executive Summary
Latte Quarry at As Nieves, Rota Municipality, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)
Executive Summary
The Board also considered updated documentation of the following National Historic Landmark designations:
Calumet Historic District, Calumet, MI
Executive Summary
Cedar Creek Battlefield and Belle Grove, Middletown, VA
Executive Summary
Fort Brown, Brownsville, TX
Executive Summary
Ladd Field, Fairbanks, AK
Executive Summary
Pu‘ukoholā Heiau, Kawaihae, HI
Executive Summary
Quincy Mining Company Historic District, Hancock, MI
Executive Summary
Sitka Naval Operating Base and US Army Coastal Defenses, Sitka, AK
Executive Summary
Watkins Mill, Lawson, MO
Executive Summary
Wyoming State Capitol, Cheyenne, WY
Executive Summary
In addition, the Board considered the following properties for withdrawal of their National Historic Landmark designation:
Clamagore (USS), Mount Pleasant, SC
Executive Summary
Josephus Daniels House, Raleigh, NC
Executive Summary
Last updated: February 18, 2025