Landmarks Committee

Presenting a Draft Nomination to the Landmarks Committee

After your draft nomination is deemed complete by NHL staff and outside peer reviewers, your next task will be to prepare to present the nomination to the National Park System Advisory Board National Historic Landmarks Committee (referred to here as the Landmarks Committee).

Landmarks Committee

The National Park System Advisory Board National Historic Landmarks Committee consists of ten to twelve scholars and experts in history, archeology, architectural history, preservation, and cultural resource management drawn from across the nation. See our Biographies page for more information on current committee members.

The chairman of the National Park System Advisory Board appoints individuals to the Landmarks Committee; these individuals are often appointed for a term of several years.

Landmarks Committee Meeting

The meeting is open to the general public. In addition to National Historic Landmarks Program staff and individuals presenting nominations, other attendees may include:

  • Congressional staff members
  • State Historic Preservation Office staff
  • Members of the general public who support the nomination

Note: The property owner or a representative of the property owner is highly encouraged to attend.

The Committee generally meets twice a year, in the spring and fall. Your NHL contact will advise you about when the next meeting will be held and will add you to the agenda. Typically no more than twenty nominations are considered at a meeting.

Prior to the scheduled meeting of the Landmarks Committee, the NHL Program sends information about the meeting date, time, and location to the same interested parties who were notified that a nomination was being written. A link to the draft nomination is posted on the NHL program website. The parties of notification are:

These parties are invited to attend the meeting and/or send written comments to the NHL Program concerning the proposed NHL and/or the adequacy of the nomination itself.

This same information is also published in the Federal Register.

Upcoming Landmarks Committee meetings are noted on our Events calendar.

How to Prepare for the Landmarks Committee Meeting

In preparing for the Landmarks Committee meeting there are a few technical points to keep in mind:

The preparer of the nomination generally presents the nomination at the Landmarks Committee Meeting. Your NHL contact will provide you or your consultant with a PowerPoint template and instructions on what to include in your presentation. You will need to submit a PowerPoint presentation, including a written script if requested, to your NHL contact 60 days prior to the meeting for review and editing. NHL staff edit the presentations for content, consistency, and grammatical errors. If you cannot present the NHL nomination to the Landmarks Committee, NHL staff will present the property.

Presentation to the Landmarks Committee

Landmarks Committee members have already read the nomination, support letters, and other documentation relating to the nomination.

The presentation serves as a quick 5-10 minute overview of the property since the committee members are already familiar with the nomination. Your presentation should address key points regarding the national significance and historic integrity of the property.

After the PowerPoint presentation, the Landmarks Committee may hear comments from the public in attendance at the discretion of the Chair.

The Landmarks Committee may also address questions to the preparer, the owner(s) or representative of the owner(s), NHL Program staff, or other interested individuals in attendance.

After discussion, the Landmarks Committee will vote on whether or not to recommend the property to the National Park System Advisory Board for further consideration.

Recommendation to the National Park Service Advisory Board (NPSAB)

Made up of scholars and citizens interested in the conservation of natural and cultural resources, the National Park System Advisory Board reviews all of the documentation on proposed properties and makes a determination on whether a property meets or does not meet the criteria for designation as an NHL. The Advisory Board then makes a recommendation to the Secretary of the Interior whether or not he/she should designate the property as a National Historic Landmark.

Last updated: August 16, 2022