Photos and Multimedia—Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks

Plate Tectonics—Introduction
Photo Gallery

Plate Tectonics—Introduction

21 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the home page and geoscience sections of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for each plate tectonic setting]

Divergent Plate Boundaries—Introduction
Photo Gallery

Divergent Plate Boundaries—Int...

6 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Divergent Plate Boundaries section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see Continental Rifts and Passive Continental Margins]

Continental Rift
Photo Gallery

Continental Rift

28 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Divergent Plate Boundary section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see Passive Continental Margins]

Passive Continental Margins
Photo Gallery

Passive Continental Margins

32 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Passive Continental Margins section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for Divergent Plate Boundaries and Continental Rift Zones]

Convergent Plate Boundaries—Introduction
Photo Gallery

Convergent Plate Boundaries—In...

7 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Convergent Plate Boundaries section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for Subduction Zones, Accreted Terraines, and Collisional Mountain Ranges]

Subduction Zones
Photo Gallery

Subduction Zones

47 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Subduction Zone section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for Convergent Plate Boundaries—Introduction, Accreted Terraines, and Collisional Mountain Ranges]

Accreted Terranes
Photo Gallery

Accreted Terranes

23 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Accreted Terranes section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for Convergent Plate Boundaries, Subduction Zones, and Collisional Mountain Ranges]

Collisional Mountain Ranges
Photo Gallery

Collisional Mountain Ranges

33 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Collisional Mountain Ranges section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for Convergent Plate Boundaries, Subduction Zones, and Accreted Terraines]

Transform Plate Boundaries
Photo Gallery

Transform Plate Boundaries

22 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Transform Plate Boundary section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks.

Photo Gallery


10 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Hotspots section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see Oceanic Hotspots and Continental Hotspots]

Oceanic Hotspots
Photo Gallery

Oceanic Hotspots

23 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Oceanic Hotspots section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see Hotspots—Introduction and Continental Hotspots]

Continental Hotspot
Photo Gallery

Continental Hotspot

33 Images

Photos and illustrations to accompany the Continental Hotspots section of Plate Tectonics & Our National Parks. [Also see albums for Hotspots—Introduction and Oceanic Hotspots]

Using Lake Superior parks to explain the Midcontinent Rift
Photo Gallery

Using Lake Superior parks to e...

19 Images

Photos corresponding to "Using Lake Superior parks to explain the Midcontinent Rift," by Seth Stein, Carol A. Stein, Eunice Blavascunas, and Jonas Kley. Published in Park Science 32(1)—Summer 2015

Site Index & Credits

Plate Tectonics and Our National Parks (2020)

  • Text and Illustrations by Robert J. Lillie, Emeritus Professor of Geosciences, Oregon State University [E-mail]

  • Produced under a Cooperative Agreement for earth science education between the National Park Service's Geologic Resources Division and the American Geosciences Institute.

Last updated: February 11, 2020


  • Site Index