Peer Review Standards
Reports in the NPS Science Publication Series are peer-reviewed prior to publication. Peer review standards were designed to meet mandates from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and National Park Service (NPS).
- OMB Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (2005)—Peer review guidance for U.S. government agencies by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Published in the Federal Register.
- NPS Director's Order #11B (2002)—Policy for insuring the quality of information disseminated by the National Park Service.
- NPS Interim Guidance Document Governing Code of Conduct, Peer Review, and Information Quality Correction (2008)—guidance for National Park Servce cultural and natural resource disciplines.
- Inventory and Monitoring Division peer review policy (2017)—Current peer review policy specifically for NPS Inventory and Monitoring offices. These policies do not pertain to other contributors to the NRR or NRDS series.
Peer Review Manager
The peer review manager oversees the peer review process of the report, and assumes responsibility for the manuscript fully meeting NPS Peer Review Guidance. This person is typically an NPS management-level employee and is often the person managing the research effort corresponding to the report.
Note: The author or contributing author of a report can never be the report's peer review manager.
Peer Review Forms
The forms below contain peer review checklists that are recommended for Inventory and Monitoring offices. These forms are not required for publication in the a report series.
- IMD General Peer Review Form (2015)—checklist that is recommended for all NPS Inventory and Monitoring reports that are not monitoring protocols.
- IMD Protocol Peer Review Form (2015)—checklist recommended for all NPS Inventory and Monitoring monitoring protocol reports.
Last updated: December 12, 2024