The Symbol of the National Park Service

Arrowhead logo of the National Parks Service
The Arrowhead emblem symbolizes the natural, wildlife, water, geologic, historic, and cultural resources protected by the National Park Service.


Park biologists, volunteers, administrators, interns, law enforcement officers and many more wear the National Park Service Arrowhead with pride. It is a symbol, for many, of our nation’s treasures and hope as we continue into the future. The NPS Arrowhead ties strongly with our mission.

“The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.”

The arrowhead was authorized as the official National Park Service emblem by the Secretary of Interior on July 20, 1951. The elements of the emblem symbolize the major facets of the National Park Service. It is an emblem that symbolizes the things that we, as an organization, care for and care about.

The mountain in the distance represents things like scenic beauty, special landforms, and geologic resources.

The tall tree represents the different natural resources protected (like trees and plant life).

The lake represents water resources and the creatures which live in that water.

The bison represents the wildlife that live inside of national parks.

The arrowhead itself represents the culture and history of the people in the area within and around the national park.

Last updated: April 25, 2024

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