The road from Park HQ to Rim Village remains closed due to deep snow. It is not currently possible to get a lake view by vehicle. All Oregon Chain Laws apply. More
North Entrance Road and Rim Drive are CLOSED for the season.
The North Entrance Road and East & West Rim Drives are now closed for the season a few The roads will not open again until mid to late June or July 2025. All other roads are open.
The Bald Crater Loop, Bert Creek and Boundary Springs Trails are closed until further notice due to potentially hazardous conditions created by the Middle Fork Fire. The Pacific Crest Trail through the park is now completely open for hikers. More
On May 20, 2012 visitors to Capitol Reef viewed a rare annular eclipse at Panaroma Point.
NPS Photo
What is an Annular Solar Eclipse
The word annular references a ring of bright sunlight, or annulus, known as a "ring of fire." This “ring of fire” is visible around the moon during the maximum phase of an Annular Solar Eclipse.
Annular vs Total
Annular solar eclipses and total solar eclipses are similar in that they occur when the moon passes between the sun and Earth. The moon temporarily blocks the sun and casts its shadow on Earth. The moon travels an elliptical orbit around the Earth so the distance between the two is not constant. From our perspective on earth when the moon is closer to us, it appears bigger and can block more of the sun’s light. It aligns perfectly with the sun resulting in a total solar eclipse. When the moon's orbit is further from the Earth it does not completely obscure the sun, thus an annular eclipse occurs.
It is never safe to view the sun without proper eye protection, especially during the Annular Eclipse! Click How Do I View An Eclipse Safely? for info on safe viewing practices, creating homemade filters, and much more.
At Crater Lake National Park on the morning of October 14th, 2023, the moon will experience its first visual contact with the sun around 8:06 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). It reaches a full annular eclipse of the sun about 9:18 am to 9:20 am PDT, leaving the sun partially obscured except for an outer "Ring of Fire". Around 10:39 am PDT, the moon will finally leave the sun and the 2023 eclipse will have concluded.
[NOTE: On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will be visible as it crosses from Texas to Maine. The map below shows the path of both eclipses.]
Coming to Crater Lake?
Plan and Have an Alternative Plan
A successful viewing of the annular solar eclipse at Crater Lake National Park is more likely if you actively plan and create a back-up plan. Unexpected seasonal weather events, extremely limited lodging and camping in the region, and over flowing crowds and parking, are reasons for advance preparation.
Fill It Up or Charge It Before Arriving at the Park
Running out of gas (or electric charge) is very expensive for you to rectify if a tow company has to deliver gas or tow your vehicle.
Traffic congestion results in long lines, idling, and gas consumption. Top it off before arriving in the park.
The closest gas west of the park is at the Prospect Service Station on Hwy 62, 29 miles from the south fee booth.
The closest gas to the south is at the Crater Lake Junction Travel Center on Hwy 97, 30 miles from the park’s south fee booth.
From the north, the nearest gas station is at the Diamond Lake Resort Gas Station off Hwy 138.
The two Type-2 EV charging stations in the park will have limited access and a slow charge.
Rim Drive is at 7100 feet in elevation which invites many forms of precipitation, wind, clouds and cold temperatures in October. Bring extra layers of clothing.
Check the forecast and road conditions around the region. Due to the elevation, snow is a possibility. Is your car winter ready?
Although the park always plans to close North Entrance Road, and West and East Rim Drives on November 1st, there have been several recent years that the roads closed by mid-October. Road closure history is found on the Operating Hours & Seasons page.
Lodging and Camping
Crater Lake Lodge is open until the morning of October 15. However, they arealready fullfor the solar eclipse event.
All forms of vehicle and tent camping are prohibited along Rim Drive, in pullouts, picnic areas, and parking lots within the park. Overnighting is allowed in the backcountry only for backpackers who obtain a permit from the backcountry office.
Mazama Campground closes on September 24 and will not be open for to the public on October 14. Contact Crater Lake Hospitality if you have any questions.
Options for lodging and camping outside the park but within 35 miles of park headquarters is found on the Lodging and Camping page. This list does not include bed-and-breakfasts, guest houses, and vacation rentals. Or contact the next closest options in Chemult (42 miles away), Shady Cove (55 miles), Klamath Falls (57 miles), Eagle Point (60 miles) and there are many other lodging options beyond these including larger cities such Grants Pass and Medford.
Visitation on October 13 and 14 is expected to exceed the visitation of any given week.
Consider carpooling if you are coming to the park.
Avoid the vehicle and pedestrian congestion at Rim Village .
Park only along pullouts with all tires on the pavement.Keep the road clear for emergency traffic.
Help prevent damage to fragile pumice and meadow landscapes. Drive and park only on pavement.
Bring it in, Take it Out
It is essential that you provide your own food and water. Food service in the park is limited.
Do not leave any trash.
Chances are at some point during your visit, you will have to use a restroom. Additional port-a-potties will be available throughout the park. If they are full consider alternative means such as a wide-mouth container, for catching your urine. Properly dispose of your personal waste, toilet paper and hygiene products.
2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse Paths
This is a map of two solar eclipse events crossing the United States on October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024, which highlights the parks found in the path of the eclipse. The October 2023 eclipse arcs across the western United States from western Oregon down through the four corners and on to the southern gulf coast of Texas, while the 2024 eclipse travels from central Texas over southern Illinois enroute to Maine. Each highlighted park is clickable; when selected, a popup box reveals links to that park’s event calendar page, where information for eclipse-related events can be found. The map also uses data provided by NASA to show bands of obscuration radiating from the main eclipse path, which involves an even larger swath of the country. The map emphasizes the wide range of park experiences linked to these special events.
The annular solar eclipse will be visible across the continental United States from Oregon to Texas. It will cross over 30 park units. Visibility of the annular eclipse decreases the further you are from these locations but is still visible to some degree. Click here for maps and charts of viewing locations and times.
Crater Lake National Park
Canyon de Chelly National Monment
California National Historic Trail
Aztec Ruins National Monument
Tule Lake National Monument
Yucca House National Monument
Lava Beds National
Mesa Verde National Park
Great Basin National Park
Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
El Mapais National Monument
Capitol Reef National Park
Petroglyph National Monument
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument
Rainbow Bridge National Monument
Valles Caldera National Preserve
Canyonlands National Park
Bandelier National Monument
Natural Bridges National Monument
Manhattan Project National Historical Park
Hovenweep National Monument
Pecos National Historical Park
Old Spanish National Historic Trail
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro NHT (NM)
Pony Express National Historic Trail
San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
Navajo National Monument
Padre Island National Seashore
There are many other public lands that are in the path of the annular eclipse. In Oregon visit a state park. Get more information at Oregon Parks Forever.
Last updated: October 5, 2023
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Mailing Address:
Crater Lake National Park
PO Box 7
Crater Lake,