“With the net proceeds of the same purchase for me, for the use of my house, as likely a strait negro lad as possibly you can, about the age from twelve to fifteen years.” – Peter Faneuil to Captain Peter Buckley, February 3, 1738/9 The Atlantic World of Peter Faneuil: Introduction Video Player is loading.
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Many merchants in colonial Boston owned and trafficked in enslaved people and profited from the goods produced by enslaved labor. Peter Faneuil, the benefactor of the iconic building that bears his name, built a Transatlantic financial empire as one of these elite colonial Boston merchants. Join us as we explore the complicated legacy of Peter Faneuil and the central role of slavery in shaping Boston’s 18th century economy. Sugar, Salt Cod, & Enslaved AfricansThe Atlantic Empire of Peter FaneuilInvoices and Day BooksPiecing together Faneuil's Empire |
Last updated: July 8, 2021