The American Revolution established a nation inspired by ideas of freedom and liberty. But for many Americans over the next 250 years, this legacy was a call to action, not a history to be revered without question. Abolitionists, Suffragists, labor activists, and countless other groups have used the memory of the American Revolution as a rallying cry against injustice and denials of freedom. Others, simply through their daily lives in Boston, have provided inspiration for people today who seek to attain greater social justice in a nation that promises life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The features below dive into the people, the places, and the stories of those who continued the American Revolution in Boston during the past 250 years since the Declaration of Independence. Boston: An Underground Railroad Hub
Discover Boston’s long history as a center of Underground Railroad activity. Great Migration & Charlestown Navy Yard
Learn about the Great Migration's connections to Boston and the Charlestown Navy Yard. Boston: A Suffrage "Hub"
Learn how Boston was a hub of the women's suffrage movement. |
Last updated: October 27, 2021