Office of Professional Responsibility

The Commander, Office of Professional Responsibility, directs, coordinates, and supervises the Office of Planning & Internal Control, Employee & Labor Relations Unit (ELRU), Tort Claims, and the Internal Affairs Unit.

Office of Planning & Internal Control

The Commander, Office of Planning and Internal Control supervises the Planning and Development Unit and the Audits and Evaluations Unit.

The Planning and Development Unit is responsible for the review, formulation, and development of necessary policies and procedures to ensure the efficient operation of the Force. These reviews include an analysis of existing procedures, consultation with various subject matter experts, research for the development of new procedures, and the impact of externally imposed restrictions, guidelines, policies, or legal limitations.

The Planning and Development Unit maintains close liaison with other professional law enforcement groups and reviews a wide variety of law enforcement publications, to remain informed of the latest trends in police management. Other responsibilities of the Unit include forms review, legal research, special studies, Memorandums of Understanding, and Freedom of Information Act requests. To contact the Planning and Development Unit, call (202) 425-3389.

The Internal Affairs Unit conducts investigations of Force officers and civilians for alleged or suspected misconduct, violations of laws, or infractions of United Stales Park Police General Orders or directives. Investigations may be prompted from information received within the Force or from the public. The ELRU serves as a liaison between U.S. Park Police management and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) to ensure federal rules and regulations are followed. In addition, Employee Relations provides guidance to Force managers regarding federal employment laws and regulations.

Last updated: July 16, 2019