The U.S. Park Police dedicate this page to our officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the performance of their duties. When a line of duty death occurs, we place a mourning band on our badges. This signifies the loss within our agency.
Every year, the Force is an active participant in Police Week, where law enforcement officers from around the county celebrate the lives of fallen officers in Washington, DC. We are honored that we have the privilege of being the police agency responsible for safeguarding the National Law Enforcement Memorial. We will never forget the service and sacrifice of our fallen officers.

Officer William D. Allen - EOT November 12, 1923 Officer Allen was accidentally electrocuted when he picked up a radio wire that had come into contact with a live electrical wire. Officer Allen had been alerted by his neighbor that another neighbor was stringing an illegal radio wire to a residence on November 12, 1923. Officer Allen left a wife and 4-day old daughter. Officer William D. Allen is the earliest known U.S. Park Police officer to die in the line of duty (NLEOM 55 E27).

Officer William J. Grissam - EOT March 20, 1932 Officer Grissam died as a result of injuries he sustained in a bicycle accident on John Marshall Place on March 20, 1932. He was 53 years old and had 16 years U.S. Park Police service (NLEOM 27 W24).

Officer Milo John Kennedy - EOT August 7, 1932 Officer Kennedy was on foot patrol in Logan Circle when he was descended upon by a mob of up to 21 persons and was beaten to death on August 7, 1932. He was 28 years old and had 5 years U.S. Park Police service (NLEOM 35 W18).

Officer James Francis Grove - EOT January 28, 1933 Officer Grove was struck and killed by an automobile while operating his police motorcycle in Rock Creek Park on Saturday, January 28, 1933. He was 46 years old and had 10 years of U.S. Park Police service (NLEOM 27E 18).

Officer Carl Hestikind - EOT February 18, 1936 Motorcycle-mounted Officer Hestikind developed pneumonia after he jumped into the Potomac River to rescue a citizen whose vehicle had slid into the icy waters during a severe winter storm. Officer Hestikind rode his Department motorcycle home and thereafter became ill. He was transported to a local hospital with a severe case of pneumonia and died a week later on February 18, 1936 (NLEOM 10 W29).

Officer Ivan "Ike" Thompson - EOT June 14, 1940 Officer Thompson was shot and killed while attempting to effect an arrest for what is believed to be a traffic violation at First and "I" Streets, NE., Washington, DC, on June 14, 1940. Officer Thompson was 42 years old, served in World War 1, and had 7 years of U.S. Park Police service (NLEOM 35 E18).

Officer Thomas P. Fogarty - EOT August 6, 1941 Motorcycle-mounted Officer Fogarty died as a result of injuries sustained in a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident that occurred on the Rock Creek Parkway on August 6, 1941. He was 52 years old and had 25 years of U.S. Park Police service (NLEOM 13 W8).

Officer Joseph E. Shawhan - EOT April 15, 1944 Officer Shawhan died as a result of injuries he sustained in a motor vehicle accident that occurred on the George Washington Memorial Parkway in the vicinity of Wellington on April 15, 1944. He was 60 years old and had 24 years of service with the U.S. Park Police (NLEOM 41 E7).

Officer Michael L. Petrella - EOT September 25, 1965 Motorcycle-mounted Officer Petrella died as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident that occurred on the Memorial Bridge on September 25, 1965. He was 27 years old and had 6 years of U.S. Park Police Service (NLEOM 58 E2).

Officer Raymond L Hawkins - EOT December 23, 1971 Officer Hawkins was shot on December 23, 1971, while off-duty and attempting to foil a robbery of a 7-11 store in Prince Georges County, Maryland. He had subdued the robber when an unseen accomplice shot him from behind. Officer Hawkins never regained consciousness, and died as a result of that wound on February 15, 1972. He was 28 years old, was a Vietnam War veteran, and had 3 years of U.S. Park Police Service. The U.S. Park Police created the Hawkins Award for officers in the rookie class who graduate with the highest overall score (NLEOM 53E 12).

Sergeant Ricardo M. Preston - EOT August 11, 1988 Sergeant Preston died while participating in a SWAT exercise on August 11, 1988. He was 37 years old and had 14 years of U.S. Park Police service (NLEOM 55E 7).

Officer Hakim A. Farthing - EOT August 10, 2002 Officer Farthing was struck and killed on the scene of an accident on August 10, 2002, on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway by a motor vehicle being operated by a drunk driver. He was 28 years old, a U.S. Army veteran, and had 2 years of U.S. Park Police service. In Officer Farthing's memory, the U.S. Park Police created the Farthing Award that is issued to officers who demonstrate excellence in traffic and DWI enforcement (NLEOM 25 E23).

Sergeant Michael A. Boehm - EOT December 16, 2011 Sergeant Boehm suffered a fatal heart attack while responding to a call involving an individual who jumped off the Key Bridge into the C&O Canal in Washington, DC. Sergeant Boehm descended into the canal, a distance of approximately 516 feet, to reach the subject. Sergeant Boehm was holding the EMS light to assist the medics with treatment when he collapsed. Sergeant Boehm was treated immediately by EMS at the scene and was transported to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead on December 16, 2011. He was 45 years old and served with the U.S. Park Police for 19 years (NLEOM 60 W28).
Last updated: November 16, 2020