Officers assigned to the Motorcycle Unit are required to ride year-round. During the yearly winter period of November to March, each officer is required to ride with a sidecar. This is mandated by the nature of the Units' function as a Principal element in escort duties for the President, Vice President, and foreign dignitaries while in the Nation's Capital. The Unit works closely with the United States Secret Service, the Metropolitan Police Department for the District of Columbia and the Department of State on these escorts. The Motorcycle Unit has been escorting the President of the United States since 1921 and the Vice President since September 11, 2001. Additionally, the unit is responsible for performing various traffic and patrol duties, as well as handling numerous special events and demonstrations.
During the September 11, 2001 attacks on Washington D.C., members of the Motorcycle Unit were among the first to respond to the Pentagon, escorting members of the Government out of the city. Members of the Motorcycle Unit have been detailed to events such as the Olympics in Atlanta, Death Valley for outlaw Motorcycle gangs, Boston and Philadelphia for Governmental election conventions, and other areas where large demonstrations have occurred.
Currently, the Force has twenty assigned motorcycle Officers, two Sergeants, and one Lieutenant in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area and four assigned motorcycle Officers in the San Francisco Field Office. This creates a Motorcycle Unit that is assigned to both the East and West coasts of the United States, and that truly encompasses the name "United States Park Police Motorcycle Unit."
U.S. Park Police Motor Unit
Pictures of the U.S. Park Police Motor Unit performing job functions.
Last updated: March 29, 2023