American Latinos have a deep history in what is now the United States. Representing peoples from Central America, South America, the Caribbean Islands, Spain and Portugal, archeology demonstrates that American Latinos underpin the American story. Archeology reveals the everyday lives of those who lived in the West before the United States expanded to the Pacific Coast, the relationships between Spanish explorers and missionaries with Native and African peoples, and their artistic, social, and labor movements.
Learn more:
Learn more:
- Telling All Americans' Stories: American Latino Heritage
- Los Latinos-Estadounidenses y la Creación de los Estados Unidos: Un Estudio Temático es el título del estudio temático elaborado y publicado por la Junta de Asesoría del Sistema Nacional de Parques (National Park System Advisory Board) para el National Park Services (Servicio de Parques Nacionales o NPS, por sus siglas en inglés). (American Latinos and the Making of the United States: A Theme Study is a publication of the National Park System Advisory Board (NPSAB) for the National Park Service (NPS).)
Last updated: March 2, 2021