Humans in the Environment

The landscape of the San Francisco Bay Area gives testimony to the contrasting values of cultures, competition for limited resources, and other environmental and cultural changes that have taken place since humans have been present. The National Park Service is mandated to preserve, protect, and manage biological resources to maintain ecosystem integrity. An essential component of this mission is vital signs monitoring, a national effort in cooperation with other federal and state agencies to determine trends in the condition of natural resources. The following are vital signs and other factors related to human use of the environment for which we currently have information.
  • A dry creek bed, with artificial shade structures protecting a handful of remaining pools
    Climate Change

    Climate change—associated with rapid warming of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans—has been underway since the last century.

  • A full moon merges with the glow of Bay Area cities viewed from Point Bonita

    Artificial light diminishes natural darkness, an essential component to the health of almost any ecosystem.

  • Clear water joins brown, turbid water in a shallow creek.
    Water Quality

    Water quality in a national park may reflect activities taking place upstream, as well as within the park itself.

Last updated: May 11, 2018