Fish play an important role in the food chain of aquatic environments. They feed on many different kinds of plants and animals and in turn are also eaten by other fish and land animals. San Francisco Bay Area national parks' rivers, streams and oceans are home to a wide range of fish species including endangered coho salmon and tidewater gobies, and threatened steelhead trout. Numerous shark species also patrol the parks' coastal waters.

Coho & Steelhead
Coho salmon and steelhead trout use several of the coastal streams within Golden Gate and Point Reyes.

Bat Rays
The bat ray is a locally abundant cartilaginous fish in shallow, nutrient rich waters such as Tomales Bay in Point Reyes National Seashore.

Tidewater Gobies
Endangered tidewater gobies can be found in the lagoons and streams of Bay Area parks.

Sacramento Perch
Sacramento perch are a species of special concern in Bay Area waters.
Last updated: December 14, 2018