Park Brochure

An image of the official NPS park brochure with black bar across the top with name of the park and photograph of Hale o Keawe and carved kiʻi images
Official National Park Service Unigrid for Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

The park brochure is both a basic guide to the park and a cherished keepsake. The brochure is provided at the entrance station and is also available at the park visitor center. You can view the maps from the brochure on the Maps page.


The park brochure is available in a variety of different languages. If you need a brochure in a language other than English, please ask at the entrance station or at the visitor center.

Languages available:

  • 日本語 (Japanese)

  • Español (Spanish)

  • 한국어 (Korean)

  • Deutsche (German)

  • Português (Portuguese)

  • 中文 (Chinese)

  • Français (French)

  • עִברִית (Hebrew)


To make the park brochure more accessible for all the following versions are available.


Audio-Described Version (Text Only)

This is the audio described version of the official print brochure all that visitors receive when visiting Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park. This version includes all of the text from the original brochure and provides interpretive audio description of all images.

If you would like to jump to a particular section of the brochure, please click one of the links below:

The Big Picture: Overview of the Brochure

OVERVIEW: This Audio-Described Brochure

Welcome to the audio-described version of Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park's official print brochure. Through text and audio descriptions of photos and maps, this version interprets the two-sided color brochure that visitors receive at Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau. The brochure explores the park's rich cultural history and connected natural history. It also provides information for planning your visit and the self-guided walking tour of the Royal Grounds and Puʻuhonua.

OVERVIEW: Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park, located on the western shores of the island of Hawaiʻi, is part of the National Park Service, within the Department of the Interior. Formally established in 1961, the 420-acre park preserves historic and ancient sites that further the understanding of traditional Hawaiian lifeways and perpetuate the cultural connections of the kānaka maoli (native Hawaiians) to this wahi pana (sacred place). Located along the southern Kona coastline on the western side of the island of Hawaiʻi, the park lies on prehistoric lava flows of Mauna Loa volcano, where coastal fault subsidence forms cliffs and coral reefs supply sand to narrow beaches. Visitors have a wide range of opportunities to experience the park and to become immersed and Hawaiian culture and history.

OVERVIEW: Front Side of Brochure

The front of the brochure includes photographs and a large map of the Royal Grounds and Puʻuhonua with numbered stops for the self-guiding tour. All images are contemporary color photographs. Photos are credited to the National Park Service unless otherwise indicated. A large landscape image spans the top quarter of the page, followed by the self-guiding tour map and information and a section about cultural demonstrations that flow from top to bottom.

OVERVIEW: Back Side of Brochure

The back side of the brochure includes a historical timeline, a large map of the park, images of plants, animals, and objects, and a landscape photograph of the 1871 trail. The back side of the brochure can be divided into four sections from top to bottom. The first shows a historical timeline beginning with 900-1100 CE (Common Era) and ending with 1819. The second, and largest section shows the park map with various features labeled. The third section shows how various plant and animal species from the ocean and the land were used by Hawaiians. The final section listed important trip planning information.

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

IMAGE: Hale o Keawe and associated kiʻi

Description: In this photograph two guardian kiʻi, or carved wooden images of Hawaiian gods, stand in the foreground, perched on the edge of a black volcanic seawall looking out over the blue waters of Hōnaunau bay. Behind the guardian kiʻi lies the thatched Hale o Keawe surrounded by a wooden palisade with the visible fencepost kiʻi spaced along its length. In the inner court lies a semi-circle of carved kiʻi representing various aspects of the god lono, two guardian kiʻi near the small doorway into the thatched structure, and a wooden lele (offering platform) with ladder. To the left of Hale o Keawe lies the edge of the Great Wall, a 12 foot by 18 foot by 950 foot dry-stack masonry wall of black volcanic rocks. Behind the Great Wall tall coconut trees dot the clear blue sky. In front of the wall lies a solitary, smaller kiʻi. White coral sand spreads out along the ground.

TEXT: Spirit, Power, and Safety

In the time of ancient Hawaiʻi, this place possessed extraordinary mana (spiritual power). It came in part from the 23 aliʻi (chiefs) whose bones were protected in Hale o Keawe, the heiau (temple) shown above. The Royal Grounds were a center of power, open only to aliʻi and those serving them. Beryond the Great Wall, the Puʻuhonua served as a place of refuge for those who broke kapu, the sacred laws and beliefs by which all lived. These wahi pana (legendary places) and ancient Hawaiian culture endure here as Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park.

Guardians. Two kiʻi (wooden images of Hawaiian gods) stand on shore to alert everyone of the great mana here.

Royal Grounds & Puʻuhonua

TEXT AND IMAGE: Royal Grounds (in red font)

Text: The sound of a (conch) announces the approach of aliʻi. Skilled paddlers maneuver waʻa (canoes) around the lava rocks to land at Keoneʻele Cove. Aliʻi step onto the Royal Grounds with their advisors and priests. For the next several months, they will hold ceremonies and host gatherings. They might engage in negotiating war or peace, meeting in the shade of a hālau (thatched shelter). They participate in amusements like kōnane or the sport heʻe hōlua (sled riding). Attendants and servants perform daily tasks, hurrying between hale (houses), serving the aliʻi or perhaps preparing fish taken from the royal fishponds. Priests consult with the aliʻi on matters of spirituality, and conduct rituals, here at Hale o Keawe, and in the Puʻuhonua.
Image Description: Man in traditional clothing of a malo (loincloth) and kihei (shawl) blows , a conch shell trumpet.

TEXT: Puʻuhonua (yellow text) Place of Refuge

In the time of kapu, a woman eats with a man. A makaʻāinana (commoner) casts his shadow on an aliʻi. Someone catches a fish out of season. Break these or any other kapu, and you face the ultimate punishment of death. Your only chance of survival is to elude your pursuers on foot, make your way to the coast, and swim to the Puʻuhonua. If you make it—and many do not—you may be absolved by a priest.

During times of war, the Puʻuhonua served another role—as sanctuary for children, elders, and other noncombatants. Defeated warriors could also seek safety in the refuge. When the battle ended they were free to return home and resume their lives regardless of the battle’s outcome.

The Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau, like all puʻuhonua in the islands, served Hawaiians for hundreds of years until kapu ended in 1819. It remains a sacred place of peace, calm, and refuge to Hawaiians, open to all who find their way here.

TEXT: Could someone swim to safety?

Coming by ocean might seem easy—but the distance is great, the currents strong, the waves powerful, the lava sharp.

Self-Guiding Walking Tour

IMAGE: Self-guiding Tour Map

Description: Aerial view of the Royal Grounds and Puʻuhonua with the large L-shaped Great Wall separating the two and blue ocean extending out beyond the Puʻuhonua. The sandy Picnic Area lies to the left of the Puʻuhonua. Numbers stops dot the map—Red in the Royal Grounds, yellow in the Puʻuhonua. The following features are labeled on the map, listed from left to right, top to bottom: Picnic Area, ʻĀleʻaleʻa, Hale o Keawe, The Great Wall, Coastal Access Road, Keoneʻele Cove, Ala Kahakai National Historical Trail (1871), Amphitheater and Visitor Center.

TEXT AND IMAGE: Explore Two Sides of Hawaiian Life

Image Description: Wooden post with the number “2” carved on it.
Text: Follow the numbered posts on a half-mile self-guiding tour of the Royal Grounds and Puʻuhonua. Check the regulations and safety tips on the other side of this brochure before you begin. Please be respectful of this sacred site.

Red = stops in the Royal Grounds
Yellow = stops in the Puʻuhonua

TEXT: 1 Royal Grounds

Here, in ancient times, you would have seen workers pound, kalo (taro), take fish from the ponds, or prepare the grounds for the aliʻi. On the far side of the Royal Grounds is the Great Wall (stop 7), the boundary of the Puʻuhonua.

Follow the sandy path to the right.

TEXT: 2 Temple Model

This structure is a small reconstruction of Hale o Keawe, the heiau at stop 8. This model shows details of the heiau. Its frame is ōhiʻa wood, the roof is thatched with kī leaves, and the trim is of amaʻu (fern).

TEXT: 3 Kōnane

This Hawaiian strategy game is played with black and white pebbles on a papamū (stone playing surface). Papamū can be any size and are carved into a lava surface. If you would like to play kōnane, ask for the rules at the visitor center.

TEXT: 4 Kānoa

These bowls, carved into rock, may have been used for dying kapa (bark cloth), tanning fishing nets, or pounding ʻawa root to make a ceremonial drink.

TEXT: 5 Tree Mold

When hot lava surrounds a living tree, moisture in the tree causes the lava to harden before it burns. Sometimes this leaves tree molds like you see here. Many molds in the park are of loulu plams. Loulu were once abundant, but are now endangered.

TEXT: 6 Keoneʻele

This protected cove was kapu; only aliʻi could land canoes here. At times, honu (sea turtles) rest on the shore. Please watch them from a distance; they are protected by law.

TEXT: 7 The Great Wall

Up to 12 feet long, 18 feet wide, and over 950 long, this wall defines the sacred space of the Puʻuhonua. The wall was constructed over 400 years ago using uhau humu pohaku (dry-set masonry)—stones fitted without mortar.

TEXT: 8 Hale o Keawe

This heiau was a royal mausoleum housing bones of 23 aliʻi, including Keawe-ʻĪ-kekahi-aliʻi-o-ka-moku, Kamehameha’s great-grandfather. These bones give the heiau immense mana. Hawaiians still revere this place and sometimes leave hoʻokupu (offerings) on the lele (tower). The wooden images are kiʻi representing Hawaiian gods.

TEXT: 9 Puʻuhonua

Imagine scrambling out of the waves onto the rough lava. Although exhausted and out of breath, now you are safe. In a few days you will be absolved by a priest and can go home.

TEXT: 10 Keōua Stone

According to local tradition, this was a favorite resting place of Keōua, a high chief. Holes in the lava surrounding the base may have supported a coconut leaf canopy.

Walk back to the sandy path to continue the walking tour.

TEXT: 11 ʻĀleʻaleʻa

This may have been a principal heiau long before Hale o Keawe (stop 8). The platform was built in seven stages. After Hale o Keawe replace this heiau, oral tradition describes aliʻi relaxing and watching hula on this platform.

TEXT: 12 Kaʻahumanu Stone

Legend holds that Queen Kaʻahumanu, a favorite wife of Kamehameha, swam to the Puʻuhonua after they quarreled. She hid under this stone, but her barking dog revealed her location. Fortunately, she and her husband reconciled.

TEXT: 13 Papamū

Small poho (depressions) were carved into flat lava to create this surface for playing kōnane (stop 3). The skills mastered in this game could be used in battle or other pursuits.

TEXT: 14 Old Heiau Site

Long ago, another heiau was built here. It may have been the first heiau for the refuge. Ravaged for centuries by ocean waves, only remnants remain. They are among the oldest structures in the park.

The path now leads back toward the Royal Grounds. Just before the Great Wall, you pass a pond on the right. It is an anchialine (an-kee-uh-line) pool, fed by a freshwater spring and the ocean. The tour continues through a modern opening in the wall.

TEXT: 15 Royal Fish Ponds

These anchialine pools held fish to be eaten by the aliʻi.
The next stop is the large thatched shelter.

TEXT: 16 Hālau

In ancient times, this structure would have been made of ōhiʻa wood tied with cord and thatched with pili grass. Today it serves as a hālau waʻa, or canoe house. Artisans work in the smaller hālau.

KĪPAIPAI ʻIA I KA ʻOIAʻIʻO – Become Inspired by the Authentic

TEXT: Tradition

Today the Hale o Keawe, Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau, Royal Grounds, and surrounding lands remain a center of traditional Hawaiian life. This long tradition has been perpetuated by the National Park Service since 1961. At the park’s cultural festival, held every summer, you can become immersed in Hawaiian culture.


Caption: Chants and drumbeats lead dancers in hula.
Description: A woman in white traditional clothing beats a tall ceremonial drum as a boy in white traditional clothing stands with arms at chest level, performing hula.

IMAGES: Hawaiian Traditions

Caption: Hawaiians maintain traditions like making kapa (below left), carving wood (below), and preparing to gather fish (right).
Image 1 Description: A girl with braided hair and pink traditional clothing sits with crossed legs on the ground. She beats kapa (barkcloth) with a kapa beater and base.
Image 2 Description: Man in traditional clothing carves a wooden kiʻi with mallet and chisel.
Image 3 Description: Man in traditional clothing prepares a fishing net.

IMAGE: Aliʻi

Caption: Only aliʻi wore helments and capes embellished with feathers.
Image Description: A man in yellow feathered cape and helmet stands next to a boy in traditional clothing holding a red and yellow feathered kāhili, royal standard.

Exploring Through Time (Back side of Brochure)

OVERVIEW: Back Side of Brochure

The back side of the brochure includes a historical timeline, a large map of the park, images of plants, animals, and objects, and a landscape photograph of the 1871 trail. The back side of the brochure can be divided into four sections from top to bottom. The first shows a historical timeline beginning with 900-1100 CE (Common Era) and ending with 1819. The second, and largest section shows the park map with various features labeled. The third section shows how various plant and animal species from the ocean and the land were used by Hawaiians. The final section listed important trip planning information.

Historical Timeline

TEXT: 900-1100 CE (Common Era)

Polynesians arrive in the Hawaiian islands, likely from the Marquesas Islands 2400 miles south. Their voyaging canoes carry plants, animals, and supplies needed to live here. People settle in hereditary groups led by a chief. Their farming, hunting, and gathering begin to change the land.

TEXT: 1100-1400

Tradition tells of aliʻi (chiefs) voyaging back and forth between Hawaii and ancestral Kahiki (eastern Polynesia and Tahiti). They bring new ideas and traditions like temple drums, wooden images, and ritual human sacrifice. Tradition also says voyaging ends by 1400. Afterward, Hawaiians live in isolation for several hundred years.

TEXT: 1400-1600

As the population expands, aliʻi establish land boundaries and centralize their power. They begin enforcing kapu (sacred laws), which separates them from the makaʻāinana (common people) by controlling all aspects of life. During this time, people settle Hōnaunau, establish a puʻuhonua (place of refuge), and build the first heiau (temple) here.

TEXT: 1600-1778

Hawaiʻi island is united under one aliʻi in the early 1600s. Hōnaunau becomes a royal center. Hale o Keawe is built to house the bones and mana (spiritual power) of the ruling aliʻi, Keawe-ʻĪ-kekahi-aliʻi-o-ka-moku. Aliʻi continue to expand their power and influence. In the mid-1700s, Kamehameha is born. His uncle Kalaniopuʻu was the ruling chief of the island by the late 1770s.

TEXT: 1779-1810

In 1819, English explorer Captain James Cook sails into Kealakekua Bay, north of Hōnaunau. His is the first recorded contact with Hawaiians on this island. In 1782, Kalaniopuʻu dies. Kamehameha defeats his rivals and rises to power. He unifies the Hawaiian islands by 1810 through treaty and conquest.

IMAGES: Weapons

Image Description: LEFT: A Hawaiian weapon with shark teeth lining the carved pointed wooden edge. RIGHT: A 1800s pistol.

TEXT: 1819

Kamehameha dies. During the mourning period, two of his wives—Kaʻahumanu and Keōpūolani—and his son Liholiho (Kamehameha II) defy kapu by eating together. Their action begins the collapse of the kapu system. More profound changes in Hawaiian society follow as Christian missionaries arrive along with other Europeans and Americans.

Today, the Hawaiian story continues to evolve through the sharing of traditions and the work of archeologists, anthropologists, and other specialists.

Life Beyond the Refuge

Life extended beyond the Puʻuhonua and Royal Grounds for both aliʻi and makaʻāinana.

From the ocean to the mountaintop, Hawaiians divided the island into moku (large districts) and smaller land divisions called ahupuaʻa. In each ahupuaʻa, they found all they needed to thrive: access to the sea, fertile farmland inland, forests in the upland, and sacred land in the upper elevations. People lived either makai (near the ocean) or mauka (toward the upland); some people had parcels both near the ocean and higher in the agricultural zones. They used a complex system of trails to travel within the ahupuaʻa.

MAP: Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

The park map is primarily for orientation and information; however it also highlights various cultural features. It is accompanied with an image of a person competing in the sport hōlua (sledding), and a map of roads in the surrounding area. The map also shows boundaries of ahupuaʻa, the smaller land divisions running from mountain to ocean created by Hawaiians. The map shows four ahupuaʻa. From north to south they are: Hōnaunau Ahupuaʻa, Kēōkea Ahupuaʻa, Kiʻilae Ahupuaʻa, and Kauleolī Ahupuaʻa. The map is oriented with north at the top and represents the 420-acre L-shaped park spanning the coastline and upward into the Kiʻilae ahupuaʻa at the southern end of the park. The main amenities are found at the visitor center near the parking lot, Royal Grounds and Puʻuhonua. A larger map of this area is shown on the other side of this brochure. A short unpaved road allows for vehicle access to the picnic area located south of the Puʻuhonua. The southern portion of the park is only accessible via the Ala Kahakai National Historical Trail (1871 Trail) and the Coastal Trail.


The legend has symbols for wayfinding and amenities. Wayfinding symbols include: parking (symbol the letter P), information (symbol circle with ?), picnic area (symbol picnic table), restrooms (symbol man and woman figures with line between them), unpaved road (brown dashed line), trail (green dashed line), and ahupuaʻa boundary (white solid line).

Amenities by Location

  • Visitor Center – Information, restrooms, and wheelchair accessible

  • Picnic Area – Restrooms

  • Southern Park Boundary – Composting toilet


Caption: Kēōkea Hōlua Aliʻi competed in the spot hōlua—sledding down lava-rock ramp on a 15-foot papa hōlua (sled). The sled runners were slicked with kukui nut oil and the ramp with leaves and grass. A replica papa hōlua hangs in the visitor center.
Description: A man in traditional clothing lays on a papa hōlua (sled) on an incline covered in leaves

UA OLA NO O KAI IA KAI – Life Comes from the Sea

TEXT: From the Sea

From ocean to shore, Hawaiians found plenty to eat. They fished from canoes. To catch heʻe (below left), they used lūheʻe (left)—a lure of shell, stone, wood, and bone. Uhu (bottom left) was one of many reef fish they harvested with nets and spears. Along shore, they gathered delicacies like hāʻukeʻuke and ʻopihi (bottom right). And they prized honu (below right) for its meat and beautiful shell.

IMAGE: Lūheʻe

Caption: lūheʻe
Description: An octopus lure consisting of a cowrie shell and rock lashed to a wooden lure with a sharp hook at the bottom.


Caption: Heʻe (octopus)
Description: Illustration of an octopus with tentacles spread out.


Caption: Honu (green sea turtle)
Description: Image of a Hawaiian green sea turtle


Caption: Uhu (parrotfish)
Description: Image of a colorful parrotfish

IMAGE: Rock Dwellers

Caption: Hāʻukeʻuke (sea urchin), ʻOpihi (limpet)
Description: Image of a black ocean worn volcanic rock with two black sea urchins and multiple yellowish limpets.

UA OLA NO O UKA IA UKA – Life Comes from the Land

TEXT: From the Land

Food, medicine, clothing, ritual—Hawaiians had many uses for “canoe plants” brought by their ancestors. Examples are shown here. Niu (left) provided food, drink, and fiber for cord. ʻUlu, ʻuala, and kalo (right and below) were staple foods. Kī leaves (below far right) could be made into sandals and capes, among other uses. The stiff leaves of hala (the tree below) were made into mats, baskets, and sails. Noni (far right) was one of many medicinal plants.


Caption: Niu (coconut palm) provided fiber for sturdy cord used and this container made of ipu (gourds).
Description: Photograph of a coconut palm and ipu container consisting of two ipu with necks cut off and lashed together with coconut cordage.

IMAGE: Olonā

Caption: Olonā, now a rare plant, was used to make fine, strong cord for fishing implements
Description: Photograph of various fishing implements on a table. Implements include bone fishhooks, stone sinkers, and ipu containers.


Caption: Kalo (taro), the source of poi
Description: Drawn image of the taro plant with tuber, stems, and leaves.


Caption: Hala (Pandanus)
Description: Photograph of the hala tree


Caption: ʻUlu (breadfruit)
Description: Illustration of ʻulu fruit and leaves

IMAGE: ʻUala

Caption: ʻUala (sweet potato)
Description: Illustration of ʻuala tuber and leaves


Caption: Noni (Indian mulberry)
Description: Illustration of noni fruit and leaves


Caption: Ti or
Description: Illustration of ti leaves

IMAGE: Objects

Description: Photograph of various objects on a lauhala (woven with hala leaves) mat. Objects on the mat are on top of green tī leaves. Objects include: woven basket, ipu container, fish, bone fishhook, and stone sinker.

E KOMO MAI – Welcome

IMAGE: Trail

Description: Photograph of the 1871 Trail as it winds up the coast. To the left, see shallow, clear turquoise-blue water jutting up against black lava rock cliffs. A white sand trail stands out among black lava rock and green foliage.

TEXT: Welcome

The National Park Service welcomes you to Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park, established in 1961. We invite you to explore the culture and enjoy the coastal landscape that speaks of people who lived here for centuries.

TEXT: Getting Here

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park is in the South Kona district of the island of Hawaiʻi. Take Māmalahoa Highway (Hwy. 11) to Ke Ala o Keawe Road (Hwy. 160) between mileposts 103 and 104. Follow Hwy. 160 to the park entrance.

TEXT: Visitor Center

Open daily. Information, exhibits, gift shop. Call or check the park website for hours.

TEXT: Immerse Yourself in Hawaiian Culture

• Walk the self-guiding tour in this brochure. • Take the cell phone tour. • Talk to people demonstrating activities, crafts, and games. • Attend a ranger program. • Watch a film. • Look for native plants and animals. • Play a game of kōnane (tour stop 3). • Children 3 and up can become Junior Rangers. • Attend our annual cultural festival on the weekend before the fourth of July.

TEXT: 1871 Trail to Kiʻilae Village

Pick up a trail guide at the visitor center for this 2.25-mile roundtrip hike that passes ancient and historic sites, volcanic features, and ocean views. Wear sturdy shoes for walking on lava.

TEXT: Wildlife and Plants

Feeding, touching, and harassing wildlife—including those in the water—is prohibited. • Federal and state law protects threatened or endangered sea turtles, monk seals, and some plants.

TEXT: Regulations and Safety

Honor and respect ceremonies, protocols, and practices. Keep your distance and refrain from photographing and recording. • Ask at the visitor center for other special rules and regulations. • Stay on trails. • Federal law protects all cultural objects. • Firearms regulations and fishing guidelines are on the park website. • Food is allowed only in the picnic area. • Pets are allowed only in the picnic area and on the Coast and 1871 trails. They must be restrained and under control by a leash no longer than six feet. • Wear sun protection; bring plenty of water.

TEXT: Accessibility

We strive to make facilities, services, and programs accessible to all. Beach wheelchairs are available at the visitor center. For more information go to the visitor center, call, or check the park website. **See note on accessibility page about beach wheelchairs.

TEXT: Related Sites

Explore traditional Hawaiian life at other National Park sites on this island: Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Puʻukoholā Heiau National Historical Site, Ala Kahakai National Historical Trail, and Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.

IMAGE: Map of Hawaiʻi

Description: An outline of the Hawaiian islands with a line pointing to where Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park is on the west coast of Hawaiʻi island.

OVERVIEW: More Information

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park
PO Box 129
Hōnaunau, Kona, HI 96726

Phone Number: 808-328-2326


Additional Links: Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historcial Park is one of over 400 parks in the National Park System. To learn more about national parks, visit National Park Foundation. Join the park community.

Last updated: September 10, 2024

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Mailing Address:

PO BOX 129
Hōnaunau, HI 96726


808 328-2326

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