Condors With Red Wing Tags

Condors with red wing tags with an underline are "1100" birds. This means that a red tag with an underlined 23 on it would be condor 1123.Ventana Wildlife Society has birds with red tags without an underline, these birds are "100" birds. These "100" birds are all adults (unlike the "1100" birds which are all currently juveniles) but can also be seen in the Pinnacles area from time to time.

1123, 1124, 1127, 1128, and 1136 spent their first few years in the captive breeding program before being transferred to Ventana Wildlife Society's condor release pen in San Simeon. Even though these are Pinnacles-managed birds, they have been carefully observed by Ventana's hardworking team. The bio's for each bird was written by Ventana's team based on their recent, post-release, observations of these newly wild birds! Another example of how the co-managment of the flock with Ventana comes into play!
Condor #1123 perched in a pine tree.
Condor 1123 perched in a pine tree.

VWS/Isaiah Woodard


Hatched: 3/27/2022 at the Oregon Zoo
Sex: Female
Parents: Condors 491 and 174

1123 was released into the wild for the first time from San Simeon in late 2023. After being released, she immediately began to travel much farther than any of her fellow young condors. The biologists were impressed to see her test her flight capabilities so early on!

Condor #1124 perched in a pine tree.
Condor 1124 perched in a pine tree.

VWS/Isaiah Woodard


Hatched: 3/29/2022 at the Oregon Zoo
Sex: Male
Parents: Condors 432 and 492

1124 was released into the wild for the first time from San Simeon in late 2023. After his release, 1124 would routinely choose to sleep on perches far away from other birds — occasionally right next to the field crew’s housing! It certainly made keeping track of him easy.

Condor 1127 perched in a pine tree.
Condor 1127 perched in a pine tree.

VWS/Isaiah Woodard


Hatched: 4/1/2022 at the Oregon Zoo
Sex: Female
Parents: Condors 348 and 155

1127 was released into the wild for the first time from San Simeon in late 2023. One of the more timid of the 2023 releases, she prefers to keep her distance from the more dominant birds.

Condor 1128 perched in a pine tree.
Condor 1128 perched in a pine tree.

VWS/Isaiah Woodard


Hatched: 4/2/2022 at the Oregon Zoo
Sex: Female
Parents: Condors 465 and 290

1128 was released into the wild for the first time from San Simeon in late 2023. She is one of the more dominant birds of the 2023 release cohort. Despite her tough nature, she was the last bird to leave the release pen, choosing to spend another night on her favorite perch rather than exit with the rest of her cohort.

Condor 1136 perched in a pine tree.
Condor 1136 perched in a pine tree.

VWS/Isaiah Woodard


Hatched: 4/23/2022 at the Oregon Zoo
Sex: Female
Parents: Condors 491 and 174

1136 was released into the wild for the first time from San Simeon in late 2023. She has been one of the most consistent residents of the release site since entering the wild! Never straying far from where she can find food or friends, she can usually be found roosting with or nearby other members of her cohort in one of the various pines scattered around the release pen.

Condor 1145 in tall grass.
Condor 1145 in tall grass.

NPS/Kaitlin Lopez


Hatched: 4/29/2022 from a wild nest in Pinnacles National Park
Sex: Female
Parents: Condors 589 and 569
Fun Fact:
She is the fourth offspring of super parents 589 and 569, and they raised her just one year after raising her older sister 1078 instead of the usual two years!

Condor 1175 sunning his wings on a rock
Condor 1175 flying before he got his wing tags.

Tim Huntington -


Hatched: 5/27/2022 in the wild
Sex: Male
Parents: Condors 800 and 747
Fun Fact: Was seen by biologists for the first time after he had already fledged the nest off of park property!


Last updated: July 9, 2024

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Paicines, CA 95043


831 389-4486
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