Reservations are now open for Pulltite Campground! Group Sites 1-3 and Standard Sites 20-55 will be available starting on May 19, 2025. Sites are available by reservation only - book online at More
The following campgrounds are closed pending cleanup/repairs: Pulltite, Cedar Grove, Dee Murray, Akers, Sinking Creek, Broadfoot, and Jerktail. All other campgrounds are open as of 1/2/2025.
Waymeyer is blocked by a large number of fallen trees. The river access will be temporarily unavailable while crews clear the road. The nearby Pin Oak access is still open, though it has been eroded by recent flooding. More
Large Osage Orange trees can be found scattered throughout the river bottoms.
NPS/Josh Chilton
The forests of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways are living testimonials to nature's ability to heal. The area was largely deforested in the late 1800s to provide lumber for the railroads expanding across the Great Plains. It is believed that the forest composition has changed since that time, with more oaks and less pines, and perhaps more understory species and less open savannah.
Today's Ozark forest is mostly white oak and shortleaf pine, Missouri's only native pine species. Along the rivers sycamore and cottonwood are common, along with river birch and maples. In the understory, redbud and dogwood are abundant, putting on a spectacular show most springs. Sassafras, maples, wild viburnum, nine bark and hawthorne are also common.
Last updated: December 20, 2017
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Contact Info
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 490
Van Buren,
(573) 323-4236
Call (573) 323-4236 for Big Spring Entrance Station, located south of Van Buren, MO.
Call (573) 226-3945 for the Alley Spring General Store, located west of Eminence, MO.
Call (573) 858-3297 for Round Spring Ranger Station, located north of Eminence, MO.