Area Closures February 2023 to Early 2025 Could Affect Permit RequestsThere will be moving and static closures from February 2023 until December 2024 due to Great American Outdoors Act-related work on buildings, trails, and landscapes within Minute Man National Historical Park. These closures may prevent through-travel on trails like the Battle Road Trail and the Battle Road. Please note that permit requests may be denied or modified for activities that plan to utilize closed areas. More specific timing of these closures may be shared in the future. Please check our Great American Outdoors Act page for updates. Special Park Use Permit Fee Increase February 1, 2023Please note that the Special Park Use Permit application fee will increase from $50.00 to $75.00 per application, on February 1, 2023. At this time the park only accepts checks, which must be mailed to the address on the application form. Checks must be made payable to the "National Park Service."Special Use Permits (SUPs)A Special Use Permit is required for activities that provide a benefit to an individual, group, or organization, rather than the public at large and for activities that require some degree of management by the National Park Service in order to protect park resources and the public interest.
Freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly are Constitutional Rights. However, the courts have recognized that activities associated with the exercise of these rights may be reasonably regulated to protect park resources. Therefore, all First Amendment activities with over 25 participants require special use permits, and the park may regulate the time, place, and manner in which they are conducted. First Amendment activities with less than 25 participants who utilize designated first amendment areas do not require a permit. Some examples of special events that require permits are:
The NPS is evaluating the provisions of the recently enacted EXPLORE Act and will manage filming and photography in park areas consistent with the new law. Individuals and groups engaging in filming and photography remain subject to all other laws and regulations that protect resources and visitors in park areas. The NPS will be updating its filming and still photography website with the most current information about implementation of the EXPLORE Act.
A commercial use is defined as any activities, services, agreements, or anything offered to park visitors and/or the general public for recreational purposes which uses park resources or is undertaken for or results in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit to an individual, organization, or corporation, whether or not such entity is organized for purposes recognized as non-profit under local, state, or federal law.You are required to apply for a CUA if any of the following apply:
Due to the complexity associated with managing all the facets of most traditional wedding ceremonies Minute Man NHP does not generally issue permits (or allow) for traditional weddings in the park. Small ceremonies like weddings or military ceremonies with a total size of 10 people including participants and witnesses/guests, are allowed without a permit under the following conditions:
The North Bridge, and vicinity, is a site of national significance and has become a major focus of historical programming, contemplation and commemoration. As such, it is one the most frequently sought out locations for Special Uses at Minute Man NHP. Minute Man NHP restricts the use of the North Bridge, the area adjacent to the monuments, and the benches by the North Bridge, so as to best preserve and reserve that space for historical interpretation. Except for NPS, Town of Concord, or certain other official government activities, permits issued for Special Uses by the North Bridge, the Monuments, or the benches are issued for only “after hours” (generally 6pm or later), or rarely, very early in the morning. Exceptions to these guidelines are rarely granted due to the exceptional value the activity represents for the visitors or the park.
In most cases, a permit for any activity that is conducted in the area of the North Bridge will include a condition that NPS staff will be present during the activity in order to protect the resource and help assure that the permitted activity does not unduly interfere with visitation by the general public. For small events including filming activities, like those that do not involve the setup of substantial equipment or involve large numbers of staff or participants, the short form can be used. Otherwise please use the long form. For those interested in still photography permits please contact the Chief Ranger’s Office for that form.
If you have questions about permits or CUA’s, or would like to submit a permit request, please email the Chief Ranger’s Office at e-mail us or call 978 318 7828 (this is a voicemail only line and is checked twice weekly). When you inquire via email or phone, please include the following information. This will help us get you feedback quickly on whether your activity can be considered.
Next, you will receive a response from the permit office with the correct forms for your specific request. Please note that submitting your completed forms back to us electronically will decrease the processing time of your application and will increase your chances of getting your first-choice dates and times. FEES: In most cases an application fee will be assessed for all permitted activities except those noted above, and for permits involving a partnership with the National Park Service. Currently, Minute Man only accepts checks (personal checks, cashier's checks, business checks). Payment must be submitted by US Mail separately and made out to the "National Park Service." Permits will be issued once that payment is received. |
Last updated: February 28, 2025