Patriots' Day is a state holiday in Massachusetts commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. Although Patriots' Day occurs annually on the third Monday of April, Minute Man National Historical Park host special programs and events throughout the month. The following is a schedule of our signature Patriots' Day events for 2025. Patriots' Day events supported by theFriends of Minute Man National Park
Signature events at Minute Man National Historical Park include:
"Spies Among Us:" Intelligence gathering by the British Army and Provincial Congress
Wright Tavern in Concord Center (2 Lexington Road, Concord, MA)
March 22, 2025
SIte is open from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Special presentations 11:00 am & 2:00 pm
Throughout February and March of 1775, the people of Massachusetts were preparing for war. The Provincial Congress organized a network of intelligence to monitor the British Army and the military supplies throughout the province. Aware of the rebel operations, the British Army conducted military intelligence missions into the Massachusetts countryside. These efforts would see moments of intrigue, strife, and unexpected voices playing an important role in what was to come. Join us at the Wright Tavern on Saturday, March 22, 2025 for a living history event that examines the diverse experiences of those involved in this crucial period leading up to the outbreak of war.
Schedule of Events:
10:00 am - Site Opens
10:00 am - 4:00 pm (on going) :Explore the Wright Tavern and learn about the various groups involved in intelligence networks in Massachusetts in the Spring of 1775. Talk with Park Rangers and living history volunteers about the methods, experiences, and challenges of people navigating this difficult period in history.
11:00 am - "For the Information of Gen. Gage:" The British Spy Mission to Concord
Join us for an interactive program that puts you in the position of a citizen of Concord in March of 1775 when two British Army spies arrive in town. Park Partner Thompson Dasher will talk about the experiences of these two officers as well as how their visit impacted the community.
2:00 pm - "For the Information of Gen. Gage:" The British Spy Mission to Concord
Join us for an interactive program that puts you in the position of a citizen of Concord in March of 1775 when two British Army spies arrive in town. Park Partner Thompson Dasher will talk about the experiences of these two officers as well as how their visit impacted the community.
4:00 pm - Site Closes
Parking: Concord Town Lot/ First Parish Church
20 Lexington Road, Concord MA
Nathan Meriam House 751 Lexington Road, Concord, MA April 12, 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Visit the Nathan Meriam witness house and talk park staff and volunteers about the Meriam family history and the importance of the crossroad near their home on April 19, 1775. In the early afternoon of that fateful day, Militia soldiers arriving from Reading, Chelmsford, and Billerica attacked retreating British soldiers near this home. From Meriam’s Corner to Charlestown the fighting raged continuously for 8 hours and roughly 16 miles. Today, this important home marks the beginning of the “Battle Road.”
Parking: Parking will be limited at Meriam's Corner.
Attendees will be directed to overflow parking on the day of the event.
“LISTEN my children, and you shall hear. Of the midnight ride of…” Samuel Prescott?
On the evening of April 12, 2025 join National Park Rangers as we commemorate and explore the true story of the famous midnight ride 250 years ago. On April 19th 1775 a midnight alarm spread across Massachusetts about the impending march of British soldiers from Boston to Concord. In 1860, the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow immortalized the story of Paul Revere and his midnight ride but what about the many other alarm riders that evening?
Contrary to Longfellow’s poem, Revere never made it to Concord. A British patrol captured Revere and others at the boarder of Lexington and Lincoln, Massachusetts near 1:00 am. Riding alongside Paul Revere, Concord local Samuel Prescott made a daring horseback escape and spread the alarm onward. Prescott returned to the main road near Hartwell Tavern, spreading the alarm to Lincoln before riding off to Concord. Join National Park Rangers for a nighttime open house and immersive 250th living history experience at Hartwell Tavern in Lincoln, Massachusetts.
Schedule of Events: 6:00 pm- Hartwell Tavern Open House
Join Park Rangers and Living Historians and explore the true story of the midnight ride.
8:00 pm- Immersive Park Ranger Program
Experience the excitement of April 19, 1775 when the midnight alarm swept through Lincoln, Massachusetts.
9:00 pm- Site closed
Parking: Hartwell Tavern Parking Lot: 112 North Great Road, Lincoln, Ma.
Special Guest Presentation by Joel Bohy, historian and author
(Registration Required)
Sunday April 13, 2025
11:00 am at Minute Man Visitor Center
Parking at 210 North Great Road, Lincoln MA
Registration for this presentation will begin on Sunday, March 23rd, at 10:00 am. The registration link will be provided in the mid-March newsletter of Friends of Minute Man National Park Sign up for the Friends of Minute Man newsletter to recieve the link as soon as it is published!
Supply Masters at Concord: Colonel Barrett & Captain Heywood
In the lead up to the American Revolution, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress called for the creation of a provincial army to oppose British Regular forces in Boston. The Provincial Congress knew that a successful army required not just men, but an incredible amount of supplies. In Concord, it appointed Colonel James Barrett and Captain Jonas Heywood as supply masters, to handle all the warlike stores amassed prior to April 19. Join Antiques Roadshow-featured expert Joel Bohy as he explores the story of these two men and the important work they did to make the American Revolution successful.
Colonel James Barrett House
Sunday, April 13, 2025
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Parking at 448 Barretts Mill Road, Concord, MA
On April 19th, 1775 a contingent of about 120, British Soldiers marched over the North Bridge to Barrett’s farm in search of military arms and supplies. During this open house program explore the interior of this 319 year old home, talk with park staff about military preparations in 1775, and learn the story of Rebeckah Barrett who went toe to toe with the British Soldiers searching her home.
Schedule of Events:
1:00 pm- Barrett Farm Open House
2:00 pm- Join the artillery program (30 Minutes)
See if you have what it takes to be an 18th century artillerist in this non-firing hands-on experience. Join a Park Ranger for an interactive program about 18th century cannons and their use on the battlefield.
4:00 pm- Site Closed
Parking: Colonel James Barrett House: 448 Barrett's Mill Road, Concord MA 01742
Thursday, April 17, 2025
North Bridge, Concord
Ceremony 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Luminaria 7:30 pm- 9:00 pm
As darkness descends upon the North Bridge battlefield we invite you to come and reflect on the events of April 19, 1775 and the meaning of liberty. The evening ceremony will feature a lantern-light procession, poetry, music, and a recitation of the names of the soldiers who gave their lives on that “ever-memorable” 19th of April.
The path from the North Bridge Visitor Center to the North Bridge will be lighted with 122 luminaries to honor those who lost their lives in the battle.
Lantern light procession* starts at North Bridge Visitor Center, 174 Liberty St, Concord, MA *To participate in the lantern-light procession, please provide your own REAL candle lantern. The procession will begin at North Bridge Visitor Center, 174 Liberty Street, Concord Ma. From there we will march down the quarter-mile path to the North Bridge where the ceremony will take place. Participants are welcome to wear 18th century clothing if they choose, but please do not bring muskets.
Parking: North Bridge Visitor Center: 174 Liberty Street, Concord, MA North Bridge Parking Lot: 280 Monument Street, Concord, MA
April 19, 2025 * Events happening across Minute Man NHP
This is the signature living history event at Minute Man National Historical Park, featuring hundreds of volunteer reenactors. Throughout the day learn about the events of April 19, 1775 from many points of view. Enjoy a full schedule of living history programs and demonstrations, including a fast-paced tactical demonstration along a restored stretch of the original Battle Road! Talk with volunteers portraying colonial civilians forced to leave their homes, minute men who answered the sudden call to arms, British soldiers fighting for king and country and Loyalists who saw the struggle differently from their neighbors.
Detailed Schedule:
Minute Man National Historical Park grounds open
9:00 am
Minute Man Visitor Center open
9:30 am- 11:30 am
Hartwell Tavern open house
9:30 am- 11:30 am
Captain William Smith open house
9:30 am- 4:30 pm
Living History Area at Minute Man Visitor Center
11:00 a.m.
Caught In the Storm of War: Civilian Evacuee Talk at Smith House
11:00 a.m.
Lexington Militia March to Parker's Revenge Battle Site
11:15 a.m.
Parker's Revenge Talk by Historian Alex Cain at Parker's Revenge Site
11:30 am
Hartwell Tavern/ Elm Brook Hill Area Secured for Demonstration
11:45 am
Elm Brook Hill Tactical Demonstration
12:30 pm- 4:30 pm
Hartwell Tavern Open House
1:00 pm
Parker's Revenge Tactical Demonstration
1:30 pm- 4:30 pm
Living History Area at Minute Man Visitor Center Open
1:45 pm
Prisoners of War program at Whittemore House
3:00 pm
Artillery Firing Demonstration at Trainor Field near Minute Man Visitor Center
3:00 pm
After the Battle program at Hartwell Tavern
3:00 pm
The Fight at Meriam's Corner- Musket demonstration and Program
3:00 pm
Patriots of Color Program at Concord's Old North Bridge
3:00 pm- 4:30pm
Nathan Meriam Open House
4:30 pm
Historic Houses closed
5:00 pm
Minute Man Visitor Center closed
Minute Man National Historical Park grounds closed
Note: this is NOT the large event that has happened in past years. This is a 60 minute ranger-led walking tour.
April 21, 2025
Program will begin at North Bridge Visitor Center
174 Liberty Street, Concord MA
8:30 am- 9:30 am
Commemorate Patriots' Day with a National Park Service program marking the "shot heard 'round the world."
On April 19, 1775 British Regular soldiers search the town of Concord, Massachusetts for stockpiles of illegal military supplies. When nearly 200 Regulars crossed Concord's North Bridge and headed for the farm of militia Colonel James Barrett, they left 96 men to guard the important river crossing. Meanwhile, hundreds of local militia soldiers gathered on the hillside opposing the bridge. Those soldiers from Concord, Lincoln, Acton, Bedford, Westford, and elsewhere watched as the British searched their homes and eventually lit fires to burn military supplies. Afraid the Regulars would burn the town, the militia decided to act. They marched down the long causeway to a confrontation with British Soldiers guarding the bridge and ignited the American Revolution. Join Park Rangers as they mark the 250th Anniversary with a special ranger walk in the footsteps of those minute men and militia.
8:30 am- 9:30 am Special Ranger Walk begins at the North Bridge Visitor Center
Note: this is NOT the large event that has happened in past years. This is a 60 minute ranger-led walk.
174 Liberty Street, Concord MA
280 Monument Street, Concord MA
Join National Park Rangers for an immersive 4-mile guided Battle Road trail hike to Fiske Hill and follow in the footsteps of the ill-fated British column during the Concord expedition. This experiential program will bring the stories of the battle road to life through guided interpretation and immersive Living History elements. Learn about the trials and triumphs of those who experienced the bloody events of April 19, 1775.
Registration for this presentation will begin on Sunday, March 23rd, at 10:00 am. The registration link will be provided in the mid-March newsletter of Friends of Minute Man National Park Sign up for the Friends of Minute Man newsletter to recieve the link as soon as it is published!
This year, the Friends of Minute Man are asking registering participants for a $10 suggested donation to defray transportation costs. Thanks to Friends of Minute Man National Park for managing registration and co-sponsoring this event.
Program Logistics:
Once registered, participants will receive additional details with starting location and a parking pass in a confirmation email.
Registration is required and reserves one seat on the post-program shuttle bus returning participants from Fiske Hill to the starting point of the program.
Be advised this program will be an expansive hike over 4-miles of Battle Road Trail on undulating terrain. Sturdy walking shoes/ equipment, weather appropriate clothing, and water are recommended. Park comfort stations at Hartwell Tavern, and the Minute Man Visitor Center will be open.
Be advised bug spray is recommended
Be advised this program will feature musket fire along with other immersive living history elements.
Sturdy, rubber-soled boots are recommended.
Dogs are not permitted on this tour.
Though portions of the Battle Road Trail are wheelchair accessible, the entirety of the program from start to finish involves terrain that is inaccessible.
Sorry, we cannot accommodate non-registered participants on this program.
Parking passes will be emailed in advance to registered participants.