
Minute Man National Historical Park (park) supports a wide variety of terrestrial and freshwater aquatic creatures. Common mammals at the park include species typically associated with rural and developed areas, including eastern cottontail, gray squirrel, deer mouse, beaver, red fox, coyote, and white-tailed deer. Less common species, such as bobcat and fisher, also inhabit the area. In addition, at least 160 species of birds and more than 20 species of reptiles and amphibians have been documented at the park.
  • A Northern Cardinal perches in a leafless tree

    Minute Man is exceptional for birdwatching; with more than 160 species spending some time in the park and 50 species known to breed here.

  • An Eastern Cottontail sits in tall green grass

    The various landscapes of Minute Man National Historical Park support 40 species of mammals. Here's an introduction to a few of our friends.

  • An Eastern Newt crawls on a dark forest floor.
    Reptiles and Amphibians

    Minute Man is home to at least 12 amphibians and 11 reptiles, but research shows there may be as many as 27 species total in the park.

Last updated: December 8, 2021

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North Bridge / Park Headquarters
174 Liberty St.

Concord, MA 01742


978 369-6993

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