Flight 93 Cockpit Voice Recorder

Members of the FBI with the found CVR
Members of the FBI hold the Cockpit Voice Recorder from Flight 93 after it was recovered at the crash site on September 14, 2001.

Image courtesy of Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation


This is a summary page for the Flight 93 Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) which includes a downloadable copy of the original Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript. The audio of the Flight 93 Cockpit Voice Recorder is sealed from being publicly released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as this is still an active and ongoing investigation. For more information about Black Boxes and the story of Flight 93 visit the Glossary page.

Learn more about the investigation of Flight 93 from employees at the Pittsburgh FBI by watching this official video from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Click the dropdown boxes below to learn about the Flight 93 Cockpit Voice Recorder.


Undamaged Cockpit Voice Recorder Undamaged Cockpit Voice Recorder

Left image
Undamaged Cockpit Voice Recorder
Credit: NPS

Right image
Recovered Flight 93 Cockpit Voice Recorder
Credit: Image courtesy of Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation


Last updated: October 31, 2023

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