Documents Open for Public ReviewThere are currently no projects with documents open for public review for Bering Land Bridge National Preserve. Other Plans and ProjectsAn archive of completed projects as well as projects without documents open for comment may be found on the PEPC website. Environmental Assessment for Rehabilitation of Coastal Emergency Shelter Cabin available for public review and comment Bering Land Bridge National Preserve is proposing to construct a replacement cabin on the southeast shore of the Cowpack Lagoon.In 2006, the Kividluk Emergency Shelter Cabin, located at Kividlo, was destroyed by high winds. There are currently no NPS shelters available for many miles - about 37 miles by snow machine to Shishmaref or 50 miles to Kotzebue if Kotzebue Sound is frozen. A new coastal emergency shelter cabin would provide life-saving emergency shelter for subsistence users, the public, and NPS staff in the area during severe weather. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, calls on federal agencies to consider environmental issues as part of their decision making process and to involve interested parties in the process.The NEPA process was initiated in 2009 with a public scoping meetings in Shishmaref and again in 2013, soliciting issues and concerns on preliminary project proposals.Responses to these scoping efforts were used during preparation of the EA, which is the next step in the NEPA process. The EA can be reviewed at can be submitted online at the same web address (the preferred method) or mailed to Jeanette Koelsch, Superintendent, Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, PO Box 220, Nome, AK 99762;or by fax to 907-443-6139;or by email to will be accepted through August 13, 2015. For questions and additional information about this project, or for copies of the EA, please contact NEPA project manager email or call 907-644-3536. Call for Proposals to Change Federal Subsistence Hunting and Trapping Regulations The Federal Subsistence Board is accepting proposals through March 29, 2013 to change Federal regulations for the subsistence harvest of wildlife on Federal public lands for the 2014-2016 regulatory years (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2016). The Board will consider proposals to change Federal hunting and trapping seasons, harvest limits, methods of harvest, and customary and traditional use determinations. The Board will also accept proposals for individual customary and traditional use determinations from residents of national park and national monument resident zone communities, or those who already hold a Section 13.440 subsistence use permit. Read the full press release here. You may also call the Office of Subsistence Management at 800-478-1456 or email e-mail us with your questions. Alaska's National Parks invite public comment on each park's compendium through February 15, 2013 The compendium is a compilation of all designations, closures and restrictions to help manage Alaska's national park areas for the public's enjoyment, use and protection. This year, several NPS areas in Alaska are proposing restrictions to taking wildlife in national preserves. Read the full press release here. In addition, each park's proposed 2013 compendium is available at A written copy may be requested directly from the park or the National Park Service, 240 W. 5th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501, Attn: Compendium. Iyat/Serpentine Hot Springs Master Plan Public Meetings The National Park Service is developing a master plan for the Iyat/Serpentine Hot Springs area of Bering Land Bridge National Preserve. This plan will provide direction for managing the hot springs area and what actions the preserve should take regarding access and facilities there. For more information on the planning process and the issues being addressed in the plan, please see the newsletter. As part of the planning process, the preserve hosted public meetings in May 2012 to consult with the public and get feedback on which potential actions are most desirable to local communities. We received useful feedback at these meetings that helped us develop reasonable alternatives for the master plan. For more information, visit the planning webpage here. Bering Land Bridge Accepting Comments on Guided Hunting Environmental Assessment The National Park Service has released for public review an environmental assessment to consider alternatives to solicit proposals for guided sport hunting in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve. The environmental assessment evaluates the effects of alternatives for managing guided sport hunting concessions within the Preserve. The comment period for the EA will be from November 9 to December 9, 2012. Read the full press release here. You may download the EA at: Please send written comments to the attention of Bud Rice, NPS Alaska Regional Office, 240 West 5 th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501 or post comments on this website: If you have questions or would like a copy of the EA, please contact Bud Rice, Environmental Protection Specialist, at (907) 644-3530 or Jeanette Pomrenke, Superintendent, at (907) 443-2522. Grazing Exclosures for Lichen Studies The National Park Service (NPS) is considering establishing 18 fenced grazing exclosures to study lichen growth rates and ungulate (caribou, reindeer, muskox) grazing effects in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve (BELA), starting in the summer of 2012. Each exclosure fence would be 30 ft x 30 ft, 6 feet high, established for 30-50 years, and accessed by helicopter for both construction and regular readings of vegetation plots. Reading of vegetation plots would be conducted once every 10 years. The project area is eligible for wilderness but is not designated as wilderness. The two primary purposes of the proposal are 1) to provide data for a scientifically-based reindeer grazing management plan, and 2) to provide long-term data on caribou habitat quality and forage quantity for the Western Arctic Caribou Herd's winter range in BELA. A secondary objective of this 2nd purpose is to provide long-term data on climate-driven vegetation change in the absence of grazing. To determine whether this project meets applicable environmental requirements, NPS has drafted an Environmental Assessment (EA). This EA was available for public comment from February 7, 2012 until March 7, 2012. Alternately, hard copies may be obrained upon request to Jeanette Pomrenke (email or by phone 907-443-6101.) There are several ways to comment on this project:
To view the entire Environmental Assessment click here. ![]() NPS photo / Peter Neitlich |
Last updated: April 19, 2022