Obtain a Research Permit

Obtain a Research Permit

Conducting Research in Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
Information that scientists gather can play an important role not only in how Bering Land Bridge National Preserve is managed, but also in how we address some of the greater issues that face our planet. Our current understanding of historical, biological, cultural, and geological resources within the preserve has been gained through scientific research and work with local and indigenous peoples.

Information for Prospective Researchers
Contact us prior to seeking funding for a project that will take place within the preserve. We recommend that you contact the preserve at least one year in advance so that we may discuss the research permit application process. It is in your best interest to contact the park and get approval before your proposal is funded. Funding for your project does not guarantee a permit.

All researchers are required to obtain a permit through the online NPS Research Permit and Reporting System (RPRS).

Timeline for Permit Applications/Renewals:
For projects to take place during the summer season (May 1 - Sept 30) submit your application or renewal by the last day of February.

For winter season projects, submit your application 3 months prior to your anticipated start date.

After an application is received, an integrated compliance review process will evaluate the proposed project for its scientific integrity and the appropriateness of research activities. Proposed projects will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary team (IDT) to evaluate:

  • Potential environmental impacts as required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA).

  • Potential impacts to cultural resources and historic sites within the park as required by the National Historic Preservation Act of 2001 (NHPA, Section 106) and the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA).

  • Potential impacts to subsistence activities or the resources upon which they depend as required by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, 1980 ANILCA, Section 810 (pdf format, 3 MB).

  • Potential impacts to Wilderness lands as required by the Wilderness Act of 1964. More information on requirements/ considerations for and the Minimum Requirements Decision Guide (MRDG) used to guide park decision making.

Preparing an Application

  1. Submit your permit application or renewal to the NPS Research and Permit and Reporting System (RPRS). This site requires you to enter basic information regarding your project. You can cut and paste most material from your proposal/investigation plan into the form. Refer to the General Park Stipulations for Research Permits and be aware of the Curatorial Responsibilities of Researchers who undertake research in the park.

  2. Key points to include in your application:

  • Type of transportation you will be using within the boundaries of the park (wheeled plane, float plane, helicopter, boating, hiking, etc.). Where possible, estimate flight hours and number of landings.

  • Study site, field dates, number of days and people at each camp, and camp locations with information about your camp and how you will deal with human waste and trash. Where possible provide the coordinates for study site and campsite locations.

  • Any type of motorized equipment that will be used (outboard motor, chainsaw, etc.).

  • Information regarding establishment of permanent plots or installations (size, location, and type of marking).

  • Does your study require ground disturbance (i.e. digging).

  • Does your study require the collection of specimens? Will those specimens be destroyed in analysis?

  • Does your study involve conducting surveys or interviews? This may requires additional clearance from the Office of Management and Budget, OMB.

  • If you are a graduate student please list your major advisor as a co-investigator.

3. Links to additional information that might be useful in putting together your permit

  • Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA)

All kinds of useful information can be found on this page including the link to the NPS Research Permit and Reporting System, the NPS Data Store where you can search for documents relating to the park you are interested in, NPSpecies which has a list on known species to occur in parks, Survey Request Tracking if you wish to conduct a social science survey in a park, and map services.

This site has all of the publically available NPS GIS data which can be searched for by park. Most of our information will be found under the Alaska Region and under the park code "BELA", some can be found under the "Alaska-wide themes". You can find airstrips, roads, conservation boundaries (Wilderness, Park, Preserve, etc.) and much more.

4. Once you have submitted your proposal the Research Coordinator at the park will contact you to clarify any details or alert you to problems that might arise. The coordinator will meet with the park’s inter-disciplinary team (IDT) and move your proposal through the evaluation process. The coordinator will provide you with updates periodically and is the person responsible for issuing your permit. In general, you can expect this process to take 3 or more months.

Share You Research With Us!
If you are conducting research in the park, we want to hear the results of the work, stories from the field, or see pictures. The only way park managers can apply research results towards science-based management of the park is if those results are available. There is a multitude of ways to share your information (reports, posters, brown bag talks, seminars, guest lectures, brochures). Whatever method you choose, please share it with us!

For More Information, please contact:

Research Coordinator: Nicole Braem
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
PO Box 220
Nome, AK

Telephone: (907) 443-6107 or (907) 443-2522
A woman looks closely at her DSLR camera.
Commercial Film and Still Photography

Commercial filming and still photography is allowed in the preserve and may require a permit.

Two woman look at a diagram depicting several Inupiat tools.
Social Science Surveys and Interviews

Surveys of the public or other information collection activity conducted, funded, or sponsored by the NPS may be subject to OMB clearance.


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    Last updated: February 23, 2021

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