Wildflowers found within the park are best seen along the Snavely Ford Trail. Among this 300-acre natural area, many species of wildflowers can be found from March to October. Below is a list of the area's common wildflowers categorized by the month in which they typically bloom. MARCH-APRIL Bladder Campion, Bloodroot, Blue Cohosh, Celandine, Clue Phlox, Common Blue Violet, Common Cinquefoil, Common Fleabane, Corn Salad, Cut-leaved Toothwort, Dutchman's Britches, Early Meadow-Rue, Early Saxifrage, Garlic Mustard, Henbit, Indian Strawberry, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Mayapple, Pale Violet, Purple/Red Dead-Nettle, Sessile Trillium, Shepherd's Purse, Small-Flowered Crowfoot, Smooth Yellow Violet, Solomon's Seal, Spreading Chervil, Spring Beauty, Spring Larkspur, Star Chickweed, Star-of-Bethlehem, Virginia Cowslip, Wild Geranium, Wild Ginger MAY-JUNE Common Buttercup, Cow Parsnip, Daisy Fleabane, Dame's Rocket, Deptford Pink, False Solomon's Seal, Field Speedwell, Fragrant Bedstraw, Golden Ragwort, Horsetail, Lesser Stitchwort, Ox-Eye Daisy, Poison Hemlock, Queen Anne's Lace, Sweet Cicely, Virginia Waterleaf, Yarrow, Yellow Goat's Beard JULY-OCTOBER Asiatic Dayflower, Black Cohosh, Black-eyed Susan, Bouncing Bet, Bull Thistle, Butter and Eggs, Cleavers, Common-Evening Primrose, Common Milkweed, Common Mullein, Day Lily, Enchanter's Nightshade, Figwort, Galinsoga, Germander, Heath Aster, Honewort, Horse-nettle, Lady's Thumb, Lopseed, Mistflower, Pokeweed, Prairie Aster, Self-Heal, Spearmint, Spotted Joe-Pye Weed, Sweet Joe-Pye-Weed, Tall Bellflower, Tall Meadow Rue, Tansy, Thimbleweed, Touch-Me-Not, Virginia Ground Cherry, Viper's Bugloss, White Snakeroot, White Vervain, White Wood Aster |
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Last updated: April 10, 2015