Articles about Antietam people
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 Abner Doubleday, Union general during the Civil War, was present at the outbreak of the conflict at Fort Sumter and later commanded men in key battles in the Eastern Theater. His leadership during the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg helped delay the Confederate advance and contributed to Union victory.  Albert Myer was telegrapher and physician who invented the "Wig-Wag system of long-distance communication which was adopted by both sides during the American Civil. In 1860, Myer became the first Commander of the newly-established U.S. Signal Corps.  An influental photographer who mastered the art of photography by taking iconic images of people like President Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth and the Conspirators to kill President Lincoln. Also he worked with fellow photographer Mathew Brady and captured the destruction at Civil War battlefields.  In June 1862, Lawton joined Stonewall Jackson's command in the Shenandoah Valley. He led Ewell's division during the Battle of Harpers Ferry and to the Battle of Antietam, where he was wounded.  Ambrose Burnside was a Union General who fought many battles in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, including First Bull Run, the Battle of Roanoke Island, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. He served briefly as Commander of the Army of the Potomac before being transferred to the Western Theater after a disastrous charge at Fredericksburg, Virginia. After another failure at the Battle of the Crater, he was relived of duty and eventually retired from service.  A. P. Hill seemed to have issues with the Confederate Generals during the Maryland Campaign  Arguably the most famous Civil War nurse, Clara Barton went to great lengths to see after the sick and wounded and to ensure that they were treated both expediently and humanely. Her work in the war led her to found the American Red Cross, an organization that would provide humanitarian relief for a wide variety of crises.  The Confederate Lieutenant General that was blamed for losing General Lee's Special Orders 191  David B. Simons was a teacher and a leader in the African American community in Sharpsburg, Maryland during Reconstruction. He was born into slavery in 1832 in Maryland. At the age of 21, he became a free man.  When David E. Twiggs was removed from command in March, 1861 Abraham Lincoln chose Edwin Sumner as his replacement, appointing him as one of only three brigadier generals in the regular army. This made Sumner the first new Union general created by the secession crisis.