Ethical Wildlife Viewing

Take home great memories of San Juan Island by viewing wildlife ethically – in a way that respects the space wild animals need to live free from harassment.

San Juan Island National Historical Park offers habitat for many species of animals. When you visit the park, you are visiting their home. Practicing ethical wildlife viewing offers current and future visitors the special opportunity to observe animals behaving naturally, instead of seeking food or other human-conditioned behaviors. Thank you for being a steward of these animals and San Juan Island.

The Best Relationship is a Long-Distance Relationship

Silhouettes of people separated from silhouette of fox by two school buses, 75 feet or 23 meters. Fox speech bubble says "Distance gives us new perspective."

Always stay 75 feet (about two bus-lengths) away from wildlife.

Silhouettes of people separated from silhouettes of seals by four school buses, 150 feet or 246 meters. Seal speech bubble says "Distance makes the heart grow fonder."

Stay 150 feet (about four bus-lengths) from seals and sea lions.


Protect San Juan Wildlife

Do not feed wildlife icon.

Do Not Feed Wildlife

It's not just a snack. Animals that get used to eating human food are often attracted to roads, where deadly accidents can happen. Human food can also weaken wild animals’ immune and digestive systems, leading to sickness. Unfortunately, some animals have become conditioned to seek human food—it is your responsibility to move away if an animal approaches you.

Icon of person walking on trail with leashed dog.

Stay on Trails and Leash your Dog

The park is home to the world’s only remaining population of endangered island marbled butterflies. Off-trail boots and paws may accidentally crush fragile butterfly larvae and chrysalises. Help protect these hidden pollinators by keeping yourself and your pets on the path.

Icon of person looking through binoculars

Give them Room – Use Your Zoom!

By using binoculars or a telephoto lens, you’ll see more of an animal’s natural behavior and activity. Foxes and other wildlife, including birds, need space free from harassment to hunt, raise their young, and rest. If an animal responds to your presence, you are too close.


Last updated: June 5, 2023

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P.O. Box 429
Friday Harbor, WA 98250


360 378-2240

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