Leave No Trace

Prairie Fog
The Northwest Coastal Prairie is a sensitive ecosystem. Your stewardship will help it thrive.

Leave No Trace is a national program which promotes the protection of our nation's parks and wildlands through education, research, and partnerships. Leave No Trace builds awareness, appreciation, and respect for America's public lands by teaching minimum impact skills and wildland ethics.

On October 7, 2014, San Juan County became the first County in the U.S. designated as a voluntary "Leave No Trace” Area as they adopted the Guiding Principles and Ethic to support Stewardship on the San Juan Islands.

Green circle with silhouette of a first aid kit

Plan Ahead and Prepare

To stay safe, reduce stress and make the most of your visit:
Prepare for extreme weather, tides, currents, hazards and emergencies.
Schedule your trip to avoid times of high visitor use.
The more you know about the area, the more fun you’ll have!

Green circle with silhouette of boot prints

Stick to Trails and Camp Overnight Right

To protect fragile areas such as rocky outcrops with lichens, moss and plants; shoreline and tide pool areas; and native prairies, and respect private property:
Do not create new trails or trample undeveloped areas.
Camp only in designated campsites

Green circle with silhouette of person disposing of trash

Trash Your Trash and Pick Up Poop

Human waste & garbage can be harmful to plants and animals, visitors, and the marine environment. To protect wildlife, human health and keep water clean:
Pack it in, Pack it out. Put litter—even crumbs, peels and cores—in bags and dispose of in garbage cans.
Use a bag to pack out your pet’s poop to a garbage can.

Green circle with silhouette of tree

Leave It as You Find It

To allow others to enjoy the natural beauty of the San Juan Islands and keep visitors safe:
Leave plants, rocks and historical items as you find them so others can enjoy them.
Treat living plants with respect. Carving, hacking or peeling plants may kill them.

Green circle with fire silhouette

Be Careful with Fire

To keep your fire from harming plants, animals or other visitors:
Use only existing fire rings and keep your fire small. Be sure the fire is cold before you leave.
Purchase firewood from a local vendor.

Green circle with silhouette of orca

Keep Wildlife Wild

Stressing or feeding wildlife damages their health, alters natural behaviors, and exposes them to predators and other dangers. To keep wildlife healthy:
Observe wildlife from a distance and never approach, feed or follow them.
Learn and follow Be Whale Wise guidelines for boating and paddling around marine mammals.

Green circle with silhouette of a family

Be Considerate of Other Visitors

To increase the enjoyment of the outdoors for all visitors:
Keep your pet under control to protect it, other visitors, and wildlife.
Yield to others on the trail.
You will also see more wildlife if you are quiet.

Last updated: January 17, 2025

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Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 429
Friday Harbor, WA 98250


360 378-2240

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