Online Tour Stop 7

Moores Creek Bridge
Moores Creek Bridge

NPS Photo

Online Tour Stop 7 – A Trap is Set

A Loyalist advance guard encountered the bridge first. Standing on the west bank, the Loyalists were able to see through the darkness to the east bank. Standing on the east bank were Patriot sentries, and when the Loyalists realized they were Patriots, the Loyalists opened fire. The Patriot sentries did not return fire, in fact they retreated into the darkness. The Loyalists gave the order to advance.

Crossing the bridge was difficult, as the Patriots dismantled a portion of the bridge. They removed the planks and greased the girders with soft soap and animal fat. Some Loyalists fell into the deep, murky waters of Moores Creek when they attempted to cross.

Lt. Donald McLeod finally made it across the bridge with around 50 men. McLeod drew his broadsword and gave a battle cry, “King George and Broadswords.” The Loyalists moved up the narrow causeway feeling the Patriots were now in full retreat.

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Last updated: August 12, 2020

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