Moores Creek National Battlefield's Historic Weapons Regulations

Several soldiers firing muskets behind earthworks
Several soldiers firing muskets behind earthworks

NPS Photo/ Nate Toering

Acceptable Weapon Types
Only reproduction firearms may be used in firing demonstrations. The use of original firearms is prohibited. Reproduction small arms that will be allowed for this event are:
  • Early to mid-18th century flintlock muskets, fusils, or fowling pieces of English, French or Dutch design.
  • British Long Land Pattern
  • British Short Land Pattern
  • French Charleville
  • Rifles
  • Pistols (display purposes only)
  • Blunderbuss (display purposes only)
Unacceptable Weapon Types
  • Percussion-cap weapons
  • Belgian Bombs
  • Flintlocks that were made after the American Revolution
Prohibited weapons may not be carried during the event, and must be secured in the owner’s vehicle.

Weapon Safety and the Public
To ensure the safety of participants and visitors, the following is expected of each and every participant:
  • All weapons will remain under physical control of its owner at all times or secured in a locked vehicle. (Visitors may touch an unloaded weapon so long as the owner maintains physical control of it.)
  • Participants under the age of 16 may not handle weapons (firearms or edged weapons) or powder.
  • NEVER point your weapon (firearm or edged weapon) at anyone at ANYTIME.
  • Visitors are NOT allowed to handle or touch an edged weapon at ANYTIME.
Small Arms Inspections:
All small arms used in firing demonstrations will be inspected by the NPS just prior to a firing demonstration, and immediately after to ensure the weapon is clear. Weapons must meet the following standards to pass inspection.

1. Secured flashguard and hammer stall
2. No cracks or splits in the stock
3. Furniture and barrel fit securely to stock
4. No missing stock pins or screws
5. Lock works smoothly
6. Half-cock position works properly
7. Flint is secured by leather or lead
8. Steel and spring are in good condition
9. Barrel free from visible dents or cracks
10. No excessive rust or corrosion on the barrel, lock and touch hole
11. no fouling in the barrel or on the lock (first inspection only - before any firing occurs) Weapons that fail inspection may not be fired or carried on the field.

Do not bring ammunition with you on site. The NPS will provide all ammunition necessary for the event.

Firing/Tactical Demonstration Safety
The National Park Service does not permit battle reenactments or elements of simulated combat in areas administered by the NPS. Such activities are inconsistent with the memorial qualities of the historic battlefields under our care. Events like our interpretive battle demonstration is designed to tell the story of the battle of Moores Creek, as accurately as possible, but not recreate the battle itself. Please observe the following:

All firing demonstrations taking place on park property may only be done under the direct supervision of the NPS.
  • Opposed firing and casualty portrayals (elements of simulated combat) are not permitted.
  • Firing will commence or cease at the discretion of the NPS.
  • Ramrods may not be drawn on the field during firing or tactical demonstrations. Nothing but powder may be poured down the barrel - no paper or any other kind of wadding.
  • For protection from flash burns, all participants will wear natural fiber, long-sleeved outer garments or full uniforms as appropriate to their historical impression.
  • No soldier may carry a loaded while maneuvering to their assigned positions behind the earthworks.
Edged Weapons
  • Edged weapons may be drawn in a safe manner, out of reach of visitors.
  • Tomahawks or belt axes may be carried In a safe manner, and must never be drawn.
  • Visitors may not handle edged weapons.
  • At no time may participants engage in simulated combat with edged weapons or simulated edged weapons.
  • Unless otherwise specified, bayonets may not be fixed when loading and firing.
Alcohol Use: Is strictly prohibited! Anyone found or suspected of consuming alcohol before or during any weapons demonstration or during visitor hours will not be allowed to participate and will be asked to leave.

Last updated: April 22, 2020

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