Park Brochure - Braille and Text Only

Braille Version

The brochure is available in braille. Just ask for a copy at the visitor center, or you may request that a copy of the brochure in braille be mailed to you. Soon, a braille print file will be available on this page for downloading and printing if you have access to a braille printer.


Text-Only Version

Overall Brochure Description

This brochure covers the importance of Springwood as the home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our country's 32nd president. Side one provides a history of the house and grounds and relays the inspirational role of Springwood in FDR's development from childhood, to recovering from polio, and even through a great depression and world war. Accompanying the home's narrative are about a dozen photos providing a glimpse into FDR's family life and interests. A timeline highlights key dates and events of FDR's personal and professional life including his presidency. Side two includes text and an illustrated map that provides a view of the grounds from above for orientation.


In addition to a biography and timeline, three quotes are interspersed on side one of the brochure. They are: “Life here had always had healing quality for him."” Eleanor Roosevelt. "I am pure Hudson River"—FDR, 1944. "The River must be lovely now and I wish I could be there."—Letter to parents.

Side One of the Brochure - The Life and Times of FDR

The text on side one reads as follows:
“My heart has always been here. It always will be.” With these few words President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) captured his feelings for his home in Hyde Park as he addressed friends and neighbors gathered in front of the house on election night in 1940. His love of the place where he was born and raised prompted him to begin the process in 1943 of deeding his home to the National Park Service, ensuring that it would be available to future generations. Franklin’s father, James Roosevelt, purchased the 110-acre estate in 1867 for $40,000. The property included a house overlooking the Hudson River and a working farm. FDR was born in this house on January 30, 1882, the only child of Sara and James Roosevelt. Growing up with a view of the majestic Hudson River, he developed a love of the river and the valley through which it flowed. By age eight, he was sailing the Hudson. As a young adult, racing his ice yacht “Hawk” was a favorite winter pastime. Franklin accompanied his father on daily horseback rides. During these times he became immersed in the land, its history, and particularly the trees. In later years, he expanded his parents’ land holdings to nearly 1,500 acres and planted over half a million trees. His interest in tree farming translated into a New Deal program, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The CCC provided jobs to unemployed men age 17-28. Over 10 years, enrollees planted over three billion trees and built over 800 parks nationwide.Surrounded by the rich agricultural heritage of the Hudson Valley all his life, FDR felt a strong affinity with farmers. One of the first New Deal programs instituted during the Great Depression, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, was designed to help farmers retain their land. His subsistence homestead projects relocated poverty-stricken families into government subsidized rural communities that provided decent housing, cooperative work and farming, and schools.When Franklin Roosevelt married Eleanor Roosevelt in 1905, they resided in both the house at Hyde Park and their New York townhouse. Franklin and Eleanor had six children, one died in infancy. FDR supervised the expansion and redesign of the house to accommodate his growing family and his political ambitions, ensuring it reflected the Dutch Colonial architecture of the Hudson Valley. FDR contracted polio in 1921 and was paralyzed from the waist down. He held out hope for a cure, but was never able to walk again unaided. The multi-level home was adapted to his needs with ramps along short steps. The trunk lift, installed years before the onset of FDR’s polio, became his transportation to the second floor.In 1932 FDR was elected to the first of an unprecedented four terms as President of the United States. His presidency redefined the role of government in America, establishing programs designed to improve the lives of all Americans. These programs included Social Security, the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the establishment of minimum wage, and unemployment insurance.During his 12 years as President, FDR led the nation through an economic crisis of enormous proportions and the Second World War. He continually returned to this home he loved, seeking strength and relaxation. He entertained foreign dignitaries here, including British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. In the small study, FDR and Churchill initialed a document known as the “Hyde Park Aide Memoire,” that outlined possible future uses of the atomic bomb.On the afternoon of April 12, 1945, FDR died from a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia. He was laid to rest on April 15 in the rose garden here. One year after his death, on April 12, 1946, the home opened to the public. At the dedication Eleanor Roosevelt said, “I think Franklin realized that . . . people . . . would understand the rest and peace and strength which he had gained here and perhaps . . . go away with some sense of healing and courage themselves.

”I am pure Hudson River" —FDR, 1944

Side Two of the Brochure - Maps of the Home of FDR National Historic Site

Side two of the brochure contains information about visiting the park, including a caution alert message which states, "Stay on trails in woods to avoid poison ivy and ticks." Side two has three, primary segments. These segments include a wide aerial map of the Home of FDR historic site which encompasses the entire page, a small, road map centered in the bottom of the page which shows the surronding area, and descriptive text scattered around the page describing key details.

Text Information on Side Two

The text written on side two two reads as follows:
Welcome to the home of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This site contains Springwood, the lifelong home of FDR, and the FDR Presidential Library and Museum, operated by the National Archives. A joint admission fee is offered. Start your visit at the Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center. Enjoy the introductory film, join a guided tour of FDR’s home, visit the museum, and stroll the grounds, gardens, and trails. For information on hours, fees, and tour times call 845-229-5320 or check our website at House visits are by guided tour only. Individual reservations: 1-877-444-6777 or Group reservations: 1-877-559-6777 or School groups call 845-486-7751. Caution: Stay on trails in woods to avoid poison ivy and ticks. Accessibility We strive to make our facilities, services, and programs accessible to all. For information go to the visitor center, ask a ranger, call, or check our website. More Information: Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site; 4097 Albany Post Road; Hyde Park, NY 12538 Website: Phone: 845-229-9115 This is one of over 400 parks in the National Park System. Learn more about national parks and National Park Service programs in America’s communities at Nearby Attractions: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site and Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site Our Partners: Roosevelt-Vanderbilt Historical Association. Website: FDR Presidential Library/Museum: Website: Beatrix Farrand Garden: Website: National Park Foundation, join the community. Website:

Description of the Aerial View Map on Side Two

This color, photo realistic aerial map covers the entire side of the brochure. Text and a smaller map are centered at the bottom over this map image. From above, we look down and at an angle on the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site, the presidential library and surrounding landscape. At the top of the map travelling from the left to just past center on the right is the Hudson River followed by a thick treeline in its full range of fall foliage colors of reds, oranges, and yellows. On the other side of the treeline is the park site and buildings. Trees are interspersed with green lawns and along various roads. Covering the bottom half of the map, more lush green lawns and hay fields take up much of the foreground. On the far left center of the map is Springwood, Franklin's home on top of a bluff overlooking the forest of trees and the Hudson River. Just to the right of Springwood sits the Coach house and Stables. Continuing right are the greenhouse and Gardener's cottage, which is tucked in the trees behind it. In front of the greenhouse is the Rose garden. In front and slightly to the left of the Rose garden are Franklin and Eleanor's gravesites. In the center of the map, behind and to right of their gravesites and also to the right of the greenhouse is the Roosevelts' two-acre vegetable garden. In front of the vegetable garden is the Presidential Library and Museum, which is the largest building on the map. Behind and to the right of the Presidential Library and Museum is the Henry A. Wallace Visitor Center. Just to the right of the Henry A. Wallace Visitor Center are Bellefield, the park’s headquarters, and the main entrance road into the park. Mulitiple parking lots are by the park’s visitor center. Albany Post Road, which is Route 9, runs along the edge from top to bottom on the far right side of the map. Map credit: Power Engineers.

Description of the Inset, Road Map on Side Two

This rectangular road map is located at the bottom center of the brochure. North is pointing up. The Hudson River runs north-south on the far left. On the river’s edge at the top in the north is the Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site. South of it by just about a mile is the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site. The Hyde Park Trail, represented by a red dashed line, makes an oblong loop through the Vanderbilt site and then travels south outside of the park and into the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site where it turns to travel west-east through the rest of the park and also through Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, which is connected to the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site on the east side. Travelling north-south is R 9 on the left side of the map and Route 9G in the center of the map. Rhinebeck is further north past the presented map and Poughkeepsie is further south beyond the map. Travelling east west is route 41, which is north of the park. The map legend indicates that one inch is equivalent to approximately one mile and three quarters of an inch is about 1 kilometer.


Other Brochure Formats

Images of both sides of the park brochure are available. An audio described version with transcripts is also available to download or listen to on our website. Furthermore, you may request that a print copy be mailed to you.

Last updated: September 21, 2024

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845 229-5320

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