The Superintendent’s Compendium is the summary of park specific rules implemented under 36 Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR). It serves as public notice, identifies areas closed for public use, provides a list of activities requiring either a special use permit or reservation, and elaborates on public use and resource protection regulations pertaining specifically to the administration of the park. The Superintendent’s Compendium does not repeat regulations found in 36 CFR and other United States Code and CFR Titles, which are enforced without further elaboration at the park level.
The regulations contained in 36 CFR, Parts 1-7, are the basic mechanism used by the National Park Service (NPS) to preserve and protect the natural and cultural resources of the park and to protect visitors and property within the park. Parts 1 through 6 are general regulations applicable to all areas of the National Park system, and Part 7 contains special regulations specific to individual parks. Each of these Parts has many sections and subsections articulating specific provisions. Within some of these Part 1-7 sections and subsections, the Superintendent is granted discretionary authority to develop local rules to be responsive to the needs of a specific park resource or activity, park plan, program, and/or special needs of the general public.
As an example, 36 CFR 1.5(a) Closures and Public Use Limits provides the Superintendent certain discretion in allowing or disallowing certain activities. The authority granted by the Section, however, requires the Superintendent to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act (6 USC Section 551), which requires public notice on actions with major impact on visitor use patterns, park resources or those that are highly controversial in nature.
Another example is 36 CFR 1.6 Permits, which allows the Superintendent to require a permit for certain uses and activities in the park. This Section, however, requires that a list of activities needing a permit (and a fee schedule for the various types of permits) be maintained by the park.
A final example is 36 CFR 2.1(c) (1) Preservation of Natural, Cultural and Archeological Resources, which provides the Superintendent the authority to designate certain fruits, nuts, berries or unoccupied seashells which may be gathered by hand for personal use or consumption. This activity can occur, however, only if a written determination shows that the allowed activity does not adversely affect park wildlife, the reproductive potential of a plant species, or otherwise adversely affect park resources.
This Compendium should be used in conjunction with Title 36 CFR, Parts 1-7, to more fully understand the regulations governing the use and enjoyment of all the areas of the national Park System.
A copy of Title 36, CFR, can be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office at:
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
2. Laws and Policies Allowing the Superintendent to Develop This Compendium
The National Park Service (NPS) is granted broad statutory authority under 16 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 1 et.seq. (Organic Act of 1916, as amended) to “…regulate the use of the Federal areas known as national parks, monuments, and reservations…by such means and measures as conform to the fundamental purposes of the said parks…which purpose is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment for future generations” (16 U.S.C. Section 1). In addition, the NPS Organic Act allows the NPS, through the Secretary of the Interior, to “make and publish such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary or proper for the use and management of the parks, monuments, and reservations under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service” (16 U.S.C. Section 3).
In 1970, Congress amended the NPS Organic Act to clarify its intentions as to the overall mission of the NPS. Through the General Authorities Act of 1970 (16 U.S.C. Sections 1a1-1a8), Congress brought all areas administered by the NPS into one National Park System and directed the NPS to manage all areas under its administration consistent with the Organic Act of 1916.
In 1978, Congress amended the General Authorities Act of 1970 and reasserted System-wide the high standard of protection defined in the original Organic Act by stating “Congress further reaffirms, declares, and directs that the promotion and regulation of the various areas of the National Park System, as defined by Section 1 of this Title, shall be consistent with and founded in the purpose established by Section 1 of this Title, to the common benefit of all people of the United States.”
16 U.S.C. Section 1c defines the National Park System as”…any areas of land and water now or hereafter administered by the Secretary of the Interior through the National Park Service for park, monument, historic, parkway, recreational, or other purposes.”
In addition to the above statutory authority, the Superintendent is guided by established NPS policy as found in the NPS Management Policies (2006). The Superintendent is also guided by more specific policies promulgated by the Director, National Park Service, in the form of Director’s Orders. As stated in the Management Policies, the primary responsibility of the NPS is to protect and preserve our national natural and cultural resources while providing for the enjoyment of these resources by visitor and other users, as long as use does not impair specific park resources or overall visitor experience. The appropriateness of any particular visitor use or recreational experience is resource-based and will vary from park to park; therefore, a use or activity that is appropriate in one park area may not be appropriate in another. The Superintendent is directed to analyze overall park use and determine if any particular use is appropriate. Where conflict arises between use and resource protection, where the Superintendent has a reasonable basis to believe a resource is or would become impaired, than that Superintendent is obliged to place limitations on public use.
3. Consistency of This Compendium with Applicable Federal Law and Requirements
The Superintendent’s Compendium is not considered a significant rule requiring review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 12866. In addition, this Compendium will not have a significant economic effect on a number of small entities nor impose a significant cost on any local, state or tribal government or private organization, and therefore does not fall under the requirements of either the Regulatory Flexibility Act or the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
The actions and requirements described in this Compendium are found to be categorically excluded from further compliance with the procedural requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in Department of the Interior (DOI) Guidelines 516 DM 6 and as such, an Environmental Assessment will not be prepared.
4. Development of the Requirements of the Superintendent’s Compendium
As outlined above, the NPS has broad authority and responsibility to determine what types of uses and activities are appropriate in any particular National Park System area. The requirements of the Superintendent’s Compendium are developed through an analysis and determination process. The decision criteria used during this process are:
• Is there use or activity consistent with the NPS Organic Act and NPS policy?
• Is the use or activity consistent and compatible with the park’s enabling legislation, management objectives, and corresponding management plans?
• Will the use or activity damage the park’s protected natural and cultural resources and other protected values?
• Will the use or activity disturb or be in conflict with wildlife, vegetation, and environmental protection actions and values?
• Will the use or activity conflict with or be incompatible with traditional park uses and activities?
• Will the use or activity compromise employee or public safety?
5. Applicability of the Compendium
The rules contained in this Compendium apply to all persons entering, using, visiting or otherwise present on Federally owned lands, including submerged lands, and waters administered by the NPS within the legislative boundaries of the park. This includes all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, including all navigable waters.
6. Enforcement of Compendium Requirements
NPS Law Enforcement Park Rangers enforce the requirements of the United State Code, 36 CFR, and this Superintendent’s Compendium.
7. Penalties for Not Adhering to the Compendium Requirements
A person who violates any provision of the regulations found in 36 CFR, Parts 1-7, or provisions of this Compendium, is subject to a fine as provided by law (18 U.S.C. 3571) up to $5,000 for individuals and $10,000 for organizations, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months (18 U.S.C. 3559), or both, and shall be adjudged to pay all court costs associated with any court proceedings. You may receive a list of fines associated with any particular provision by contacting the Chief Ranger at the park address found below.
8. Comments on the Compendium
The Compendium is reviewed annually and revised as necessary. The park welcomes comments about its program and activities at any time.
9. Effective Date of the Superintendent Compendium
The Superintendent’s Compendium is effective on the approval date listed on the first page of this document, and remains in effect until revised for a period up to one year.
10. Additional Information
Some of the terms used in this Compendium may have specific meaning defined in 36 CFR 1.4 Definitions.
11. Availability
Copies of the Compendium are available at 4097 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, NY 12538.
It may also be found at
In accordance with regulations and the delegated authority provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations (“36 CFR”), Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, authorized by Title 54 United States Code, Section 100101, the following provisions apply to all lands and waters administered by the National Park Service, within the boundaries of The Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites. Unless otherwise stated, these regulatory provisions apply in addition to the requirements contained in 36 CFR, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7.
(a)(1) The following visiting hours and public use limits are established for all or for the listed portions of the park, and the following closures are established for all or a portion of the park to all public use or to a certain use or activity:
Visiting Hours
Those buildings whose visitation is controlled by the National Park Service and which have not been designated as closed to the public are open for visitation. Hours are adjusted seasonally for some facilities. Due to staffing shortages, special activities, severe weather, mechanical failure, or maintenance purposes, buildings may be closed to the public.
All NPS buildings and grounds are closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS
The Eleanor Roosevelt Factory (Val-Kill) is open seasonally from 9:00AM to 4:00PM by guided tour only. The Stone Cottage is open the same hours by self-guided tour.
During periods of inclement weather and/or low visitation, the site may be closed for extended periods.
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS
Bellefield (park headquarters) is open from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday.
The Stables and Carriage House (TIC) are open daily 9:00AM to 5:00PM
The Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center is open daily April-October from 9:00AM to 6:00PM. November-March from 9:00AM to 5:00PM.
The Hyde Park Drive-In is a leased operation and contact information may be obtained by calling (845) 229-4738. Generally, it is open May-September 7:00PM-12:00AM.
Springwood (Home of FDR) is open daily 9:00AM to 5:00PM by guided tour only.
Top Cottage is open May-October by guided tour only.
Vanderbilt Mansion NHS
Vanderbilt Mansion is open daily 9:00AM to 5:00PM by guided tour only.
The Visitor Center (Pavilion) is open daily 9:00AM to 5:00PM.
The Tool House is occupied by park partner, F.W. Vanderbilt Garden Association. It is generally open May-October from 12:00-4:00, Saturday and Sunday.
Building Public Use Limits
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS
The Eleanor Roosevelt Center is operated by park partner, ERVK, and closed to visitation. Persons having business within are permitted to enter.
The Factory (Val-Kill) is open to the public by guided tour only. Visitors will be instructed as to which portions of the building they may enter. All other areas are cl osed to the public. Tours are limited to 12 persons.
The Stone Cottage is self-guided and open to the public. Rangers/Volunteers will be present to answer and assist visitors. Portions of the building may have restricted access. Tours are limited to 15-20 persons.
The Playhouse is open to the public at no charge.
All other buildings are closed to visitation; Persons having business within are permitted to enter.
Home of Franklin D Roosevelt NHS
The Carriage House (Stable/Garage) is open to the public at no charge. The loft, basement, closets, and offices are closed to the public.
The Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center is owned and managed by the National Archives and Records Administration and is open to the public at no charge. The building’s owners establish closures.
The Hyde Park Drive-In is a leased operation. Access to buildings is subject to operational hours set by the Drive–In Operator.
Springwood is open to the public by guided tour only. Visitors will be instructed as to which portions of the building they may enter. All other areas are closed to the public. Tours are limited to 25 persons.
The Stables are open to the public at no charge. The loft area is closed to the public.
Top Cottage is open to the public by guided tour only. Visitors will be instructed as to which portions of the building they may enter. All other areas are closed to the public. Tours are limited to 20 persons and begin at the Henry A. Wallace Visitor Center.
All other buildings are closed to visitation; Persons having business within are permitted to enter.
Vanderbilt Mansion NHS
The Pavilion’s 1st floor exhibits, and restrooms are open to the public at no charge. All other areas are closed to the public.
The Tool House is occupied by park partner, F.W. Vanderbilt Garden Association, and is open to the public at no charge on weekends from May-October. The basement, 2nd floor, and kitchen are closed to the public.
The Vanderbilt Mansion is open to the public by guided tour only. Visitors will be instructed as to which portions of the building they may enter. All other areas are closed to the public. Tours are limited to 30 persons.
All other buildings are closed to visitation; Persons having business within are permitted to enter.
Consumption of food or beverages or carrying oopen containers of food or beverages is prohibited within all buildings
Justification:Food and beverage detrius attract insects which are detrimental to the historic facbric.
Visitors are prohibited from entering the FDR Home, Vanderbilt Mansion, Stone Cottage, Factory and Top Cottage carrying any item larger than 11”X15” including infant carriers.
Justification: Public safety and national security concerns for the protection and welfare of the visiting public and preservation of the resource.
Flash photography is not permitted inside the FDR Home, Vanderbilt Mansion, Stone Cottage, and Factory.
Justification: Flash is detrimental to the historic fabric.
“Selfie Sticks” are not permitted inside the FDR Home, Vanderbilt Mansion, Stone Cottage, Factory and Top Cottage.
Justification: Telescoping “selfie sticks” have potential for damaging collections.
Grounds and Public Use Limits
All grounds and trails within the established boundaries of Roosevelt-Vanderbilt NHS are open to the public daily with the following conditions or restrictions:
7am - 5pm: First Sunday in November - First Saturday in February
7am - 6pm: First Sunday in February - First Saturday in March
7am - 7pm: First Sunday in March - First Saturday in April
7am - 8pm: First Sunday in April - First Saturday in September
7am - 7pm: First Sunday in September - First Saturday in October
7am - 6pm: First Sunday in October - First Saturday in November
Entrance gates close 30 minutes prior to scheduled closing times.
The following conditions or restrictions apply:
Crum Elbow Point is closed
Justification: Bridge is unsafe and needs significant repairs.
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS is closed to the public whenever the gates are closed.
Roosevelt Farm Lane parking is closed to the public whenever the gates are closed.
Top Cottage is closed to the public whenever the gates are closed.
Vanderbilt Mansion NHS is closed to the public whenever the gates are closed.
The Home of FDR NHS is closed to the public whenever a “Park Closed” sign is posted on the entrance road.
The roadways within the park boundaries are open to the public except as listed below for authorized vehicles:
Eleanor Roosevelt NHS
The access road leading to Eleanor Roosevelt Conference Center is closed to vehicular traffic.
The historic core area in front of the Stone Cottage and Factory is closed to vehicular traffic.
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS
The access roads leading to Springwood are closed to vehicular traffic.
The access road (unpaved) leading to the Curatorial Building is closed to vehicular traffic.
The driveway at Top Cottage is closed to vehicular traffic.
Justification: These roadways are closed to the public for safety and security reasons.
The Roosevelt Farm Lane parking areas (Rt 9 and Rt 9G) are closed to oversized vehicles (over 24 feet) such as Buses, RV’S and Limos
Justification: Oversized vehicles cannot safely navigate the roadway or parking lot due to limited turning radius.
Vanderbilt Mansion NHS
Bard Rock Road and parking lot is closed to vehicular traffic on weekends, holidays, and whenever the gate is closed. Bard Rock Road is open to vehicles from 9:00am until 4:00pm, Tuesday through Thursday, May-October. .
Justification: Road conditions are not suited for heavy visitation that occurs on weekends and holidays. Safety concerns may further warrant closures for severe weather, special events, maintenance, or personnel shortages.
Oversized vehicles (over 24 feet) such as Buses, RV’S and Limos are prohibited on Bard Rock Road.
Justification: Oversized vehicles cannot safely navigate the roadway or parking lot due to limited turning radius.
Lower Gatehouse Way is closed to vehicular traffic.
Justification: For the safety of pedestrians.
The access road leading to the Italian Gardens is closed to vehicular traffic.
Justification: Due to underground resources, limited turning radius and pedestrian safety.
Vanderbilt Park Rd. directly in front of Vanderbilt Mansion is closed to vehicular traffic.
Justification: To provide for pedestrian and resource safety, and minimize interference with interpretive operations.
The use of vessels in all park waters is prohibited.
Justification: To provide for the safety of visitors and park resources.
Climbing Trees
Climbing in or on trees is prohibited.
Justification: Climbing stresses and damages park trees which are an essential part of the cultural landscape.
Engine Idling
Drivers of commercial passenger-carrying diesel-fueled motor vehiclesare prohibited from idling engines in parking lots of developed areas for periods longer than five minutes.
Justification:The noise and fumes caused by these engines severely impacts the natural experiences sought by many visitors.
Activities such as geocaching that involve hiding and/or hunting physical containers are prohibited with the exception of containers placed by park personnel for educational purposes.
Justification: Allows for the management of potential adverse environmental impacts.
Off-road Recreational Vehicles
The operation of off-road recreational vehicles or All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s) is prohibited.
Justification: Activity detracts from the historic setting of the park and poses a significant risk to visitor safety and park resources which cannot be sustained without causing unacceptable impacts.
Off-road recreational and utility vehicles may be allowed for administrative purposes, such as fire control, search and rescue, law enforcement, resource management activities, or power line maintenance.
Justification: To provide for the safety and security of visitors, staff and park resources.
Parking Limits
Parking at Bard Rock is limited to 60 minutes.
Justification:Parking area quickly exceeds capacity during heavy visitation periods.
Pets are not allowed within the fenced Home Garden at the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS.
Justification: Sanitation concerns regarding pet waste in close proximity to food destined for human consumption.
Recreational Activities, Other
Recreational activities are prohibited in the following areas: from the Visitor Center south to the Italian Gardens including the circular lawn in front of the Vanderbilt Mansion; within 200 feet of the core historic areas including FDR’s Home and Gravesite, Val-Kill and Top Cottage. Recreational activities include, but are not limited to: playing catch, throwing Frisbees, kite flying, and sunbathing. Also see section 36 CFR §2.11 – PICNICKING
Badminton and volleyball nets, or any object anchored with stakes, are prohibited.
Climbing in or on trees is prohibited.
Organized sports are prohibited.
Justification: Recreational activities in close proximity to buildings detract from the historic setting of the park and pose a risk to visitor safety and damage to natural resources.
Remote-Controlled Devices
All areas of the park are closed to remote-controlled devices including but not limited to airplanes, helicopters, cars, boats, and similar objects.
Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, or Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site is prohibited except as approved in writing by the superintendent.
Definition: The term "unmanned aircraft" means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.
Justification: Activity detracts from the historic setting of the park and poses a risk to visitor safety.
The use of Segways and similar devices in lieu of manual or motorized wheelchairs is allowed by persons with disabilities who would otherwise only have the option of using a manual or powered wheelchair.
Justification:Segways are not appropriate for use by non-handicapped visitors in an historic setting mixed with pedestrians.The NPS ensures that those with disabilities have the highest level of accessibility that is reasonable to our programs, facilities, and services in conformance with applicable regulations and standards.
Segways may not be operated at speeds greater than 2-3 mph, the equivalent of a walking pedestrian.
Justification:The safe operation of Segways and similar devices is dependent on their integration into the normal flow of pedestrian traffic.
CCTV Policy Statement
In accordance with National Park Service Law Enforcement Reference Manual 9 (RM-9), notice is hereby given that Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site uses Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) security camera monitoring.
The park’s use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) for law enforcement and security purposes will only be to visually monitor public park areas and public activities where no constitutionally protected reasonable expectation of privacy exists. Such CCTV use – which will have adequate privacy and First Amendment safeguards – will be to help ensure public safety and security; facilitate the detection, investigation, prevention, and deterrence of terrorist attack and crime; help ensure the safety of citizens and officers; help assist in the proper allocation and deployment of law enforcement and public safety resources; and help facilitate the protection of the innocent and the apprehension and prosecution of criminals. (RM-9, 26.1)
This policy does not restrict the official use of CCTV in government administrative areas, including administrative buildings, jail holding facilities (RM-9, 26.3.7), revenue collection sites, etc., where the government may record/monitor its facilities. For example, the government may perform unrestricted video/audio recording at revenue collection points (entrance stations, visitor center counters, etc.). This policy does not restrict the use of an Audio/Visual Recording Device (AVRD) in patrol vehicles or officer-worn recording devices used by commissioned rangers. (RM-9, 26.1).
Operation of CCTV cameras, maintenance of recorded images and use of recorded images will be in accordance with NPS and Department policy and applicable laws and regulations. (RM-9, 26.1-26.4) No person will be targeted or monitored merely because of race, religion, gender, sex, disability, national origin, or political affiliation or views. (RM-9, 26.4.2)
Nothing in this policy statement is intended to create any rights, privileges, or benefits not otherwise recognized by law.
Engaging in the following activities without first obtaining the required permit is prohibited:
Carrying or possession of a weapon, trap, or net unless necessary to support §2.5 activities, 36 CFR §2.4(d)(1)
Collecting research specimens (plants, fish, wildlife, rocks, or minerals), 36 CFR §2.5(a)
Operating an unauthorized public address system in connection with a public gathering or special event for which a permit has been issued pursuant to §2.50 or §2.51,36 CFR §2.12(a)(4)
Aircraft and Air Delivery
Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter,orother airborne means, 36 CFR §2.17(a)(3)
Removal of downed aircraft, 36 CFR §2.12(c)(1)
Noncommercial soliciting,36 CFR §2.37
Using, possessing, storing, or transporting explosives, blasting agents, or explosive materials, 36 CFR §2.38(a)
Using or possessing fireworks 36 CFR §2.38(b)
Conduct a sports event, pageant, regatta, public spectator attraction, entertainment, ceremony, and similar events, 36 CFR §2.50(a)
Public assemblies, meetings, gatherings, demonstrations, parades, and other public expressions for groups greater than 25 people, 36 CFR §2.51(a)
Sale or distribution of printed matter for groups greater than 25 people, 36 CFR §2.52(a)
Memorialization - Scattering of human ashes or remains, leaving markers, tributes or memorials 36 CFR §2.62(b)
Engaging in or soliciting any business (requires a permit, contract, or other written agreement with the U.S.), 36 CFR §5.3
Commercial Filming and Photography**
o Filming of motion pictures or television, 36CFR §5.5(a)
o Still photography using models, sets, or props, 36 CFR §5.5(b)
Construction of buildings, or other structures, boats, docks, road, trails, paths, etc. 36 CFR §5.7
** Commercial filming is defined as digital or film recording of a visual image or sound recording by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience, such as for a documentary, television, or feature film, advertisement, or similar project. Under Public Law 106-206, all commercial filming requires a permit and is subject to location fees and cost recovery charges. Generally, commercial photography and filming permits are not required for:
A visitor using a camera and/or recording device for their own personal use and within normal visitation areas and hours; or
A commercial photographer not using a prop, model, or set, and staying within normal visitation areas and hours; or
Press coverage of breaking news. This never requires a permit, but is subject to the imposition of restrictions and conditions necessary to protect park resources and public health and safety.
Applications for permits may be found on the park’s website at:
All areas of the park are closed to wood gathering 36 CFR § 2.1 (a)(4)
Justification: Standing dead, down, and live wood provides habitat for cavity-nesting species and insects.
Only one quart or less of native fruits, nuts, berries, or mushrooms may be gathered for personal consumption. Up to one standard plastic grocery sack of fruit from propagated orchard trees may be collected and removed from the park for personal consumption. Fruit gathering is considered a recreational activity. Fruit harvested for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without a permit issued by the Superintendent. 36 CFR § 2.1 (c)(1), 36 CFR § 2.1 (c)(2)(i)
Hunting is not permitted on any park property 36 CFR § 2.2 (b)(2)
Trapping is not permitted on any park property 36 CFR § 2.2 (b)(3)
Justification: Park lands are open and managed for recreation and wildlife. Hunting and trapping pose a risk to public safety and are counter to park wildlife management goals.
Wildlife legally wounded outside the park in accordance with State hunting regulations may only be followed inside park boundaries, dispatched and removed from the park with an NPS Law Enforcement Ranger or Resource Management Specialist present. 36 CFR § 2.2 (d)
Justification:The requirement to notify a Law Enforcement Ranger or Resource Management Specialist protects public safety and avoids unwarranted public accusation that an illegal hunt may have occurred in the park
Viewing of wildlife with an artificial light is prohibited throughout the entire park. 36 CFR § 2.2 (e)
Justification: Wildlife viewing with an artificial light may disrupt natural wildlife activities and condition wildlife to human presence. This regulation also provides increased protection of wildlife from poaching activity.
36 CFR §2.3 – FISHING
Non-conflicting New York state fishing laws and regulations apply throughout the park. 36 CFR § 2.3 (a)
Fishing with live or dead minnows or other bait fish, amphibians, non-preserved fish eggs or fish roe is prohibited. Other types of bait may be used in accordance with state law. 36 CFR § 2.3 (d)(2)
Justification: Introduction of non-native species is detrimental to the ecosystem
Commercial fishing is prohibited in all areas of the park 36 CFR § 2.3 (d)(4)
Individuals are authorized to possess, carry, and transport concealed, loaded, and operable firearms within NPS areas in accordance with applicable state and federal law. Possession of firearms is prohibited in Federally-owned or leased buildings. The law regarding discharge of firearms remains unchanged. 36 CFR §2.4(h)
Justification: This wording reflects implementation of 512, P.L. 111-24, Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, 123 Stat. 1764-65 § 512 effective February 22, 2010
36 CFR §2.10 – CAMPING
All areas of Roosevelt-Vanderbilt NHS are closed to camping, 36 CFR § 2.10(a)
Justification: Camping activities detract from the historic setting of the parks.
The following areas are closed to picnicking:
Within 200 feet of the FDR Home and Gravesite.
The Pavilion (VAMA Visitor Center) south to the Italian Gardens including the circular lawn in front of the Vanderbilt Mansion.
Justification: Picnicking in close proximity to buildings detracts from the historic setting of the parks.
Groups of 25 people or more require a permit to picnic on park grounds
Justification: Large groups require more oversight to avoid adverse impacts to park resources and operations.
36 CFR §2.13 – FIRES
Portable gas grills are permitted in picnic areas with tables, and outside park housing units. The use of charcoal or other open flame is prohibited. 36 CFR § 2.13(a)(1)
Fires are prohibited in all areas of the park during Red Flag Warnings 36 CFR § 2.13(c)
Lighting and maintaining any type of fire, including but not limited to cigarettes, candles, lanterns, grills, and stoves, is prohibited within any park building unless authorized by the Superintendent. 36 CFR § 2.13(a)(1)
Justification: The use of fire is regulated to protect structures, natural resources, and the public.
The use of government refuse receptacles or facilities for dumping household, commercial or industrial refuse, brought as such from private or municipal property is prohibited 36 CFR § 2.14(a)(2)
36 CFR §2.15 – PETS
Persons having custody of any animal(s) will immediately remove and dispose of excrement voided by an animal(s) under their control. Excrement will be properly disposed of in outdoor trash containers or removed from park property.36 CFR § 2.15(a)(5)
Justification:Proper disposal of pet waste eliminates a water quality, health and aesthetic problem.
Pets may be kept by park residents under the following conditions: 36 CFR § 2.15 (e)
No more than two pets per residence are permitted when occupied by a single person or family.
No pets are permitted in shared park housing.
Justification: To minimize resource damage and adverse health effects to employees.
The use of horses or pack animals is prohibited. 36 CFR § 2.16(g)
Justification: Restriction is intended to protect natural resources and reduce possible visitor use conflicts.
Snowmobiles are prohibited. 36 CFR § 2.18(c)
Justification: Activity detracts from the historic setting of the park and poses a significant risk to visitor safety.
Skiing, ice skating, sledding, inner tubing, tobogganing, and similar winter sports are prohibited with the exception of cross country skiing and snowshoeing. 36 CFR § 2.19(c)
Cross country skiing and snowshoeing are prohibited on park road and parking areas open to motor vehicle traffic. 36 CFR § 2.19(a)
Justification: Restriction is intended to protect the health and safety of visitors.
Use of roller skates, in-line skates, skateboards, roller skis, or similar devices is prohibited. 36 CFR § 2.20
Justification: Restrictions are intended to protect the health and safety of visitors.
36 CFR §2.21 - SMOKING
Smoking is prohibited in all park buildings, all government vehicles, within 25 feet of a public building entrance, and within 50 feet of fuel storage facilities. 36 CFR § 2.21(a)
Pursuant to the Director’s Policy Memorandum 15-03, the use of Electronic Delivery Systems (ENDS) or “vaping” will be treated the same as smoking.
Justification: It is NPS policy that public use and administrative facilities be smoke-free. The restrictions are intended to protect park resources, reduce the risk of fire, and prevent conflicts among visitor use activities.
36 CFR §2.22 – PROPERTY
Leaving property unattended for longer than 24 hours is prohibited unless the property is part of an activity under a special park use permit (e.g. storage of equipment in a staging area during a construction project) 36 CFR § 2.22(a)(2)
The following areas are closed to alcohol consumption, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit: 36 CFR § 2.35 (a)(3)(i)
Within 200 feet of the FDR Home and Gravesite.
The Pavilion (VAMA Visitor Center) south to the Italian Gardens including the circular lawn in front of the Vanderbilt Mansion.
All government buildings and passenger compartments of all vehicles.
Alcohol consumption is allowed in buildings designated as employee housing by the assigned occupants and guests.
Justification: Areas where the public engages in business with the government or is participating in educational opportunities are not appropriate for alcohol consumption.
Public assemblies for groups greater than 25 people are prohibited without a permit. Designated areas for all public assemblies are:
Eleanor Roosevelt N.H.S
Field south of the main entrance. See map, page 12
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt N.H.S.
Lawn south of the main entrance. See map, page 13
South side of the visitor center parking lot. See map, page 13
Field to the left of the Top Cottage entrance. See map, page 12
Vanderbilt Mansion N.H.S
Area between the Vanderbilt Park Rd. and the Visitor Center Parking lot, south. See map, page 14
Written applications for permits must be received by the Superintendent ten days prior to the date desired for the event. The activity must not conflict with any scheduled NPS function or program. Visitors will not be subjected to undue noise or physical contact. Visitors shall not be impeded in their progress to any portions of the park including public buildings, visitor centers, parking areas, etc.
Justification: The permit process allows NPS to protect park resources and guarantees groups a priority for a space when multiple groups or individual demonstrators want to use a designated first amendment area in a park.
The sale or distribution of printed matter by 25 people or less is allowed within the park areas designated as available under §2.51 (see above).The sale or distribution of printed matter by more than 25 persons is allowed within the designated park areas when the superintendent has issued a permit.
Justification:The permit process allows NPS to protect park resources and guarantees groups a priority for a space when multiple groups or individual demonstrators want to use a designated first amendment area in a park.
The scattering of human ashes from cremation is prohibited, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit, or in designated areas according to conditions which may be established by the superintendent. 36 CFR § 2.62 (b)
Justification: Activity detracts from the historic setting of the park.
36 CFR §3.8 – BOATING ACTIVITIES Bard Rock is a designated site on the Hudson River Greenway Water Trail. It is open as a day use landing site by kayakers and canoeists who begin their boating trips elsewhere. It is not a launch site for car top or trailered boats.
36 CFR §3.16 – SWIMMING
Swimming and wading in park waters is prohibited.
Justification: Restriction is intended to protect the health and safety of visitors.
Off-road motor vehicle use is prohibited 36 CFR §4.10(a)
Justification: To ensure the safety of park visitors and to protect cultural landscapes
Oversized vehicles (over 24 feet) and vehicles with trailers are prohibited on Bard Rock Rd.
Vehicles exceeding 8 tons are prohibited on Bard Rock Rd.
Vehicles exceeding 5 tons are prohibited on Maritije Kill Bridge (Roosevelt Farm Lane)
Vehicles exceeding 10 tons are prohibited on Fall Kill Bridge, located at Eleanor Roosevelt N.H.S
Vehicles exceeding 15 tons and/or exceed 24 feet are prohibited on the Rustic Bridge (Cobblestone Bridge), located on Coach House Way.
Vehicles exceeding 20 tons are prohibited on the White Bridge, located on Vanderbilt Park Rd.
Justification: Weight limits are established by the Federal Highway Administration and size restrictions are due to the limited turning radius on these roads
Eleanor Roosevelt N.H.S. and Vanderbilt Mansion N.H.S.
The speed limit on all park roadways is 15mph 36 CFR §4.21(b)
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt N.H.S.
From Albany Post Road to the first turn the speed limit is 25mph, after the first turn the speed limit is 15mph 36 CFR §4.21(b)
Justification: Park speed limits have been determined to be reasonable, safe and consistent with the purposes for which the park area was established.
36 CFR §4.30 – BICYCLES
The use of a bicycle is permitted on park roads and in parking areas that are otherwise open for pedestrian use by the general public. 36 CFR §4.30(a)
The term “e-bike” means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).
E-bikes are allowed where traditional bicycles are allowed. E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited. Except where use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited. 36 CFR §4.30(i)
A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, and 4.30(h)(2)-(5).
Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike is governed by State law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violation of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.
The following routes are closed to bicycle use:
All trails, with the exception of:At Roosevelt Farm Lane, the following are designated as shared use trails for pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle use: Hyde Park Trail between Albany Post Rd. and Violet Ave Bracken Pond Trail (red-blazed trail); Newbold Trail (yellow-blazed trail); and Bennett Trail (blue-blazed trail). Bicycle use is permitted during the months of March - October only, or as otherwise posted; Vanderbilt Lower Road section of the Hyde Park Trail between Lower Gate House Way and Bard Rock Road, March-October only 36 CFR §4.30(d)
Justification: To avoid adverse environmental impact and honoring the historical significance of the sites.
Map of designated free speech areas for Eleanor's Walk and Top Cottage trails.
Map of designated free speech areas at the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS.
Map of free speech area at the Vanderbilt Mansion NHS.