Alerts & Conditions


A map showing a temporary trailhead for the Grand Portage Trail. Additional alternative text below.
A temporary trailhead is at the Fire Hall on Store Road.

NPS Graphic / B. Clayton

Temporary Trailhead for the Grand Portage Trail

Due to the road realignment project the Depot trailhead for the Grand Portage trail is temporarily moved to the Fire Hall on Store road until mid-October.

Please note: Parking is not permitted at the Fire Hall. Drop off and pick up only. Vehicles must park at the Heritage Center.


A map of the location of the crossing. Additional alternative text below.
Click on the photo for a larger image.

Flooding on the Grand Portage Trail at Poplar Creek.

Increased rain and beaver dam activity this year flooded the Poplar Creek Crossing along the Grand Portage Trail. Please use caution as you pass through the water. Park staff is in the process of determining a drier route.



Mile Creek Road Realignment and Bridge Project

Mile Creek is a Cook County managed road on the tribal lands of the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa that runs through Grand Portage National Monument. To support this effort to protect the historic stone bridge and create a safer corridor for pedestrian and auto traffic, the National Park Service is providing environmental review compliance and will be monitoring construction operations to ensure environmental and archaeological resources are not impacted. The National Park Service will also provide seedlings and the labor to replant areas impacted by construction the following spring.

One species of concern in this area is Douglas Hawthorn. While some of these shrubs will be removed, another population will be started nearby.

Construction is scheduled to begin May 29th, the day after Memorial Day. While underway, traffic will continue on the current roadway. When complete, the new intersection will control traffic for safe pedestrian crossing to the Grand Portage Trail and other features of the Monument. To mitigate potential for environmental damage, equipment will be inspected, washed, and sediment from construction will be kept away from Grand Portage Creek.

For more information: Robbie Hass 218-387-3695

Aerial map of proposed changes to Mile Creek Road
Aerial view of proposed changes to Mile Creek Road

Grand Portage National Monument graphic

Map of Grand Portage Creek Bridge Realignment
Map of proposed changes to Mile Creek Road

Cook County graphic

Last updated: June 26, 2024

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Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 426
Grand Portage, MN 55605


(218) 475-0123

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