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Maps of Grand Portage Trail highlights, Mount Rose and the Depot area, and more.
Along the north shore of Lake Superior, Grand Portage is located at the tip of Minnesota's Arrowhead.
Here are several options that offer food, lodging, or a place to camp.
Leashed pets are welcome in several areas.
There are many things to see and do during your visit. How much time do you have?
Visit the Depot, hike the Grand Portage Trail, see the view from Mount Rose, and more.
Important tips for a safe visit.
Easy paths lead from the Heritage Center to the Depot area. Learn more details for your visit.
The virtual tour provides background for the various stops throughout the Monument, starting at the Heritage Center and ending at Mount Rose
Last updated: December 30, 2024
P.O. Box 426 Grand Portage, MN 55605
(218) 475-0123