The Four Hills of Life: Ojibwe Wisdom Thomas Peacock and Marlene Wisuri. (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press). Each hill of life has its own challenges and opportunities. Written by an Ojibwe elder, this learning and activity book describes the journey taken through life by previous generations of Ojibwe living on Madeline Island and its relevance today.
Fur Trade Nation. An Ojibwe's Graphic History. Written and illustrated by Carl Gawboy. (Cloquet, MN: Animikii Mazina'iganan: Thunderbird Press, 2024)
History of the Ojibway People, Second Edition. William W. Warren. (Saint Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2009). This classic history of the Ojibwe is now available with new annotations by Theresa Schenck.
Making the Carry. The Lives of John and Tchi-Ki-Wis Linklater. Timothy Cochrane. (University of Minnesota Press, 2023)
Minong: The Good Place-Ojibwe and Isle Royale. Timothy Cochrane. (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2009). A search through a variety of sources for the history of the Ojibwe people's relationship with a unique island in the midst of Lake Superior.
Ojibwe in Minnesota. Anton Treuer. (Saint Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press). With insight and candor, noted Ojibwe scholar Anton Treuer traces thousands of years of the complicated history of the Ojibwe people-their economy, culture, and clan system and how these have changed throughout time, perhaps most dramatically with the arrival of Europeans into Minnesota territory.
Ojibwe Waasa Inaabidaa: We Look in All Directions. Thomas Peacock and Marlene Wisuri. (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press). A uniquely personal history of the Ojibwe culture.
Turning the Feather Around: My Life in Art. George Morrison. (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press). In this fascinating self-portrait, George Morrison, who calls himself "an artist who happens to be an Indian," tells a personal story of a life of changing horizons and artistic achievement.
Walking the Old Road: A People's History of Chippewa City and the Grand Marais Anishinaabe. Staci Lola Drouillard (University of Minnesota Press, 2019)
Government Relations
American Indians & National Parks. Robert H. Keller, Michael F. Turek (University of Arizona Press, 1998)
Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks. Mark David Spence (Oxford University Press, 1999)
Great Lakes Indian Accommodation: Resistance During the Early Reservation Years, 1850-1900. Edmund Jefferson Danziger, Jr. (The University of Michigan Press, 2009)
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (Beacon Press, 2014)
An Infinity of Nations: How the Native New World Shaped Early North America. Michael Witgen (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012)
National Parks, Native Sovereignty: Experiments in Collaboration. Christina Gish Hill, Matthew J. Hill, Brooke Neely, eds. Public Lands History Series, volume 7. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2024)
Seasons of Change: Labor, Treaty Rights, and Ojibwe Nationhood. Chantal Norrgard (The University of North Carolina Press, 2014)
Mandan squash.
NPS Photo
Historic Gardening
Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden: Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians. Gilbert Wilson. (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press reprint edition (1987). The classic account of Hidatsa American Indian "Three Sisters" gardening techniques from Wilson's 1917 anthropological study.
Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners. (Decorah, IA: Seed Savers Exchange, second edition, 2002). A complete seed-saving guide that describes specific techniques for saving the seeds of 160 different vegetables.
Indigenous Cookbooks
The Good Berry CookbookTashia Hart (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2021)
Original Local: Indigenous Foods, Stories, and Recipes from the Upper Midwest. Heid R. Erdrich (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2013)
New Native Kitchen: Celebrating Modern Recipes of the American Indian. (Abrams, New York, 2021) Chef Freddie Bitsole & James O. Fraioli
The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen. Beth Dooley and Sean Sherman (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2017)