The entire southern area of Dead Horse Bay, including Glass Bottle Beach, is closed to the public. Crews are working in these areas using heavy brush clearing equipment and performing radiation surveys. Dead Horse Bay is located in Brooklyn, NYC.
Spring Creek is closed to the public at this time. The NPS is conducting field investigations as part of a Remedial Investigation at the site. Spring Creek is located in Queens, NYC. More
Due to extremely hazardous conditions Gateway National Recreation Area has restricted access to sections of Jacob Riis Park. Erosion has created unsafe conditions from Bays 1-5, and portions of the eastern beach are closed. More
The past year has proven difficult for so many. Whether it be dealing with loss of loved ones, jobs, motivation, or even their homes, we’ve all had to find ways to be resilient. In doing so, I found one constant that has been a source of stability and fresh air during the pandemic, Gateway, our National Park.
As a Staten Island resident, Gateway has offered me a bit of an escape from the city. During the pandemic, it became one of the few safe activities that gave me a taste of normal life. It also provides a taste of history which may help reshape our thoughts on how we live today. I found myself thinking about living during a pandemic in the past and learn to respect what I have in my own life to get me through the tough times. I have also learned to really appreciate how people have powered through history.
Looking beyond the pandemic, the Gateway Park Units offer thousands of acres for exploration across the region, hundreds of them being in Staten Island. This offers a socially distanced way to keep active and even work off the quarantine weight that may have joined you during lockdown.
This exhibit shows some of the sights that Gateway on Staten Island offered after the world was turned upside down. I wanted to show that people were still able to take advantage of this great resource as well as maybe catch the eye of someone who didn’t realize this was something at their own disposal. I captured these shots at different times of the day and took some different artistic directions in some of them, but let the park speak through itself in the images. You will also see a couple of moments captured from throughout the pandemic of people enjoying the fresh air and utilizing the parks. This is geared toward appealing not only to regular park visitors, but also to those who are looking for that reason to get off the couch and stretch their legs without a fear of crowds and germs. I hope you enjoy these and that they motivate you to go and make your very own gallery of experiences at the Gateway National Park!