Persevering Through Unimaginable Obstacles

Headlines screamed "Gold!" The dream of a better life catapulted thousands of people to Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Their journey shaped them, and changed the people they encountered and the north forever. Today, the park remembers the trails, boomtowns, and stories of the Klondike Gold Rush. Read More

a person on a snow patch between rocky cliffs with a rusted metal wheel in foreground
Chilkoot National Historic Trail

Learn about the newly designated Chilkoot National Historic Trail, plan your Chilkoot hike, or explore photo galleries and history.

Black and white photo of people standing in a line on a snowy slope.
What was the Klondike Gold Rush?

Learn about the great human drama that was the mad dash to the far north known as the Klondike Gold Rush.

A ranger hands a badge to a boy
Earn a Junior Ranger badge

At Klondike Gold Rush there are two ways you can earn your Junior Ranger badge. Find out how you can start today.

Black and white photo of six men standing in front of three large halibut.
Buffalo Soldiers of Company L

Company L, a unit of Black soldiers, spent 3 years serving their country in Southeast Alaska. Learn about their time taming the frontier.

Ladies picnic along a river
Women of the Gold Rush

Courageous women from all walks of life joined the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897-98.

Black and white photo of people and horses on a log bridge.
History & Culture

Discover the people, places, and stories of the Klondike Gold Rush.

Last updated: February 1, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
P.O. Box 517

Skagway, AK 99840


907 983-9200

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